Thursday, April 7, 2016

10 Haunting Small-Town Murder Mysteries


Robert Grimminck Apr 6, 2016

A classify about tiny towns is that they’re so protected that a adults keep their doors unlocked. Murders, generally pointless acts of violence, are some-more of an civic problem. But some tiny towns are so condemned by an unsolved murder that it has perpetually altered their landscape.

10 The Saxtown Ax Murders


Saxtown is a tiny city outward of Millstadt, Illinois, and it was finished adult of mostly German immigrants. It is also home to a hideous unsolved murder that took place during a night of Mar 19 and a morning of Mar 20, 1874.

It is believed that someone knocked on a doorway of a Stelzriedes’ farmhouse, and when Fritz Stelzriede responded to a knocks, he was killed with an ax. From there, a torpedo went by a residence and killed Fritz’s father (Frederick), his mom (Anna), his grandfather, his three-year-old brother, and his eight-year-old sister. All of them were killed with an ax, and a few also had their throats slit. A neighbor found a bodies on a afternoon of Mar 20. He’d come over to check on a Stelzriedes given he hadn’t seen anyone operative on a plantation that day.

One conjecture per a ground was that a grandfather had dark income and bullion in a house. No income was found after a murders, though there was no approach to know if income had been in a residence in a initial place.

Another conjecture was that Frederick Boeltz, who was married to Anna’s sister, killed a Stelzriede family to presumably collect their estate or to safeguard that he and his mom would get an arriving estate meant for a Stelzriedes. Boeltz altered to Nebraska after a murders, altered his name, and was never charged with a murders.

The third conjecture is formed on a strength of a ax swings, that were utterly powerful. It’s probable that a discontented farmhand, who had knowledge regulating an ax, slaughtered a 6 family members.

9 The Be-Lo Murders

Just after 6:00 PM on Jun 6, 1993, an armed assailant entered a Be-Lo grocery store in Windsor, North Carolina, as a store was shutting for a night and astounded a 6 employees inside. He led all a employees to a meat-cutting room, where he firm their wrists with channel tape. He afterwards built a employees in 3 apart piles and shot during a stacks of people until he ran out of bullets. After unloading his gun, a masculine grabbed a beef hatchet and cut a throat of one chairman and afterwards stabbed other bodies until a blade pennyless off in a victim’s back. After a rampage, that was described as “methodical,” a masculine left all 6 employees to die. Amazingly, one of a victims was means to get giveaway and called 911. The spoliation left 3 people upheld and dual injured. One chairman miraculously survived unharmed.

The crimes repelled a city of Windsor, that had a race of reduction than 4,000 people during a time of a murders. The box stays unsolved notwithstanding a flourishing victims being means to give a outline of a murderer. He was described as a black male, about 30–35 years old, with a narrow-bridged nose that was presumably a outcome of a sports injury. There is a $30,000 prerogative for information, and military wish that someone will come forward.

8 Nicole Lee Hattamer

On a night of Dec 26, 1989, 10-month-old Nicole Lee Hattamer left from her crib in her grandparents’ home in Holcombe, Wisconsin. The baby’s teenage mother, her grandparents, and a mother’s younger hermit and sister were all during home during a time. No one could find a baby. The family called 911, and initial responders searched a area. Shortly after midnight, a baby’s solidified physique was found fibbing face-down, 22 meters (72 ft) from a residence in a backyard. Nicole apparently didn’t make it out there by herself.

An autopsy was performed, arrangement that a tot died from a presumably a chest damage or exposure. The military trust that a chest damage was caused when Nicole was thrown several feet and landed on her chest, that caused inner bleeding. The military also trust that a tot died outward since she was holding a singular blade of grass.

The unsolved murder condemned a community, that usually had a race of 920 people. The FBI investigated a crime in 1992 though didn’t spin adult any leads. There were also dual John Doe hearings, one in Apr 1990 and another in Dec 1998. John Doe hearings are special hearings to accumulate information for an active investigation, and a usually people in a justice are a judge, a prosecutor, a justice reporter, a witness, and a witness’s attorney. Also, a witness’s profession is not authorised to assist a witness.

At a hearing in 1990, Nicole’s grandparents, Lou Ann and Lee Hattamer, pleaded a fifth on some questions. Also, a late policeman who worked on a box pronounced that he found it obscure that no one from a Hattamer family had ever called a sheriff’s dialect to check on a swell of a case.

The military trust that a usually approach a crime will be solved is if someone confesses or comes brazen with new information.

7 The Grande Prairie Killings


On Jun 20, 1918, in Grande Prairie, Alberta, a city with around 1,000 people, a internal detected that a residence common by Joseph Snyder and his son, Stanley, was on fire. After a glow subsided, military found both Snyders inside. They had been shot, and there was a .38-caliber revolver fibbing circuitously Joseph.

At first, it was believed to be a comfortless murder-suicide. That altered 4 days later, when people beheld a bizarre smell during Ignace Patan’s farm, 7 kilometers (4 mi) away. A organisation of organisation went to investigate, and they found a upheld bodies of Patan, Minister Frank Purzychowsky, and trappers Charles Zimner and John Wudwand. Patan’s throat had been slit, though a other 3 organisation had all been shot in a head. It incited out that a gun used to kill a Snyders indeed belonged to Patan, definition that a torpedo slaughtered everybody during a Patan plantation before relocating on to a Snyders. What was truly extraordinary about a murders was that a torpedo usually dismissed 5 shots. Every singular one was a kill shot.

The ground behind a killings during a Patan plantation was many expected robbery. Patan and Wudwand had usually cold $5,000 from a bank to squeeze a ranch. After a murder, usually $108 was found. Then, in September, bloody bills started to get into dissemination in Grande Prairie, and they all came from a bank in a town, though a teller couldn’t remember who had brought in a bloody bills.

The neighbor who detected a bodies of a Snyders was a usually one ever charged with a crimes, though with no justification opposite him, he was transparent in reduction than an hour.

6 Beverly Jaye Potter-Mintz

At around 12:00 PM on Feb 23, 1987, Beverly Jaye Potter-Mintz’s mother, Loren Potter, stopped by Beverly’s residence in Leland, North Carolina, that had a race of reduction than 2,000 people. When she got there, she found her daughter’s doorway unlocked, that she suspicion was rather strange. Potter entered a residence and listened her grandson great in a behind room. She went to Beverly’s bedroom and found her 23-year-old daughter, firm and quiescent on her bed. Her conduct was lonesome in a pillowcase, and a room was splattered with blood. Potter private a pillowcase and detected that her daughter’s throat was cut to a indicate of decapitation. Potter grabbed her grandson and fled a house.

The military arrived during a bloody stage and dynamic that Beverly had been raped before she was murdered. They interviewed Beverly’s son, who was home during a time, and he pronounced that someone had knocked on a door. Beverly looked by a peephole, though there was no one there. When she non-stop a door, a white man, whom a son didn’t recognize, detonate by a doorway and pounded Beverly.

There are dual theories on what happened to Beverly: The initial was that a torpedo found her by a personal ad. At a time, a internal journal had a graduation where people could run one ad for one week during no charge. The week before a murder, Beverly had run an ad perplexing to sell a H2O bed. When it didn’t sell, she ran another ad regulating her mother’s phone series so she could again take advantage of a giveaway ad promotion. On a morning of her murder, Beverly’s mom called her during about 9:30 AM to contend that a masculine was entrance by to demeanour during a bed. At a crime scene, a military found a journal with Beverly’s ad circled in red. The military trust that a torpedo brought it with him and left it behind.

Other investigators remonstrate and consider a personal ad competence have been a ruse. They trust that Beverly was stalked since a torpedo knew there wasn’t a masculine in a house, and he brought wire and a arms with him to a crime scene. Also, it’s believed that he was a stranger, that is since Beverly’s son was left alive.

Throughout a years, a series of suspects were investigated, though all of them had plain alibis. The box stays cold.

5 Mary Ann Holmes

On Jul 9, 1995, Mary Ann Holmes, a 29-year-old singular mom of two, hold a yard sale during her home in Thatcher, Arizona, that had a race of roughly 4,000 during a time. During a yard sale, Holmes spoke plainly about how good an thought it was since of how many income she made.

The subsequent morning, Holmes’s four-year-old daughter ran to a neighbor’s house. She was firm and naked, and she pronounced her mom was dead. The military were called. They found Holmes murdered in her bedroom. The torpedo had handcuffed Holmes and afterwards used a vast blade or hatchet to strike Holmes in a conduct until she was dead. It was believed that he intimately assaulted Holmes after her death. Sadly, Holmes’s daughters were firm and forced to watch a whole attack.

Over a march of a investigation, 75 people were interviewed, including an ex-boyfriend who stalked Holmes, though a box went cold. In 2013, a TNT radio uncover Cold Justice examined a box and had a DNA justification that was left behind tested. Unfortunately, it yielded no suspects. What they do know about a torpedo is that he was process since he brought a ropes, a handcuffs, and his arms with him. The usually outline that Holmes’s four-year-old daughter could give of a masculine was that he was vast and that he was a “lion.” Police are uncertain if that means he had prolonged hair, like a lion’s mane, or if he had a lion tattoo.

4 Georgia Jane Crews


At around 5:30 PM on Apr 8, 1980, 12-year-old Georgia Jane Crews walked out of her home in Montverde, Florida, a tiny city with a race of 397 people. When a fifth grader didn’t lapse home, her family, a police, and volunteers scoured a area for her. Two days after she went missing, a county sheriff’s dialect perceived a call from a masculine who said, “You know that 12-year-old lady you’re looking for? She’s dead.” He afterwards hung up.

The masculine finished dual identical phone calls. One was finished to Georgia’s grandmother and a other to a mom of Montverde’s military marshal. The caller’s claims would be reliable 8 days later, when Georgia’s decomposing physique was found about 40 kilometers (25 mi) divided in a frugally wooded area in a park behind a Kmart. She was wearing a same garments she’d left blank in, and there were no signs of passionate assault. She had died as a outcome from a singular gash wound to a back.

The unsolved murder of a immature lady is adequate to startle any community. What was even some-more discouraging was that flattering many everybody in city knew any other, and there were no strangers or bizarre vehicles speckled in a area during a time of a kidnapping. This has led to conjecture that Georgia’s torpedo competence have been a resident.

Unfortunately, a phone calls were never traced, and a recording of a call finished to a military dialect was lost. There is also really tiny earthy evidence, and military trust that a usually approach a crime will be solved is if someone comes brazen with new information.

3 Holly Piirainen And Molly Bish

On Aug 5, 1993, 10-year-old Holly Piirainen and her hermit were visiting their grandparents in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, that had a race of no some-more than 10,000 people. While there, they went to a neighbor’s residence to see some puppies. They got separated, and usually her hermit returned to a grandparents’ cottage. The area was fast scoured, though a usually snippet they found of Holly was a shoe. Her physique wouldn’t be found until Oct 23, reduction than 16 kilometers (10 mi) divided from where she was kidnapped. Hunters found her physique in a wooded area off a farming road.

The disappearance and a find of a physique reverberated via Massachusetts due to a senselessness and randomness of a crime. One chairman who reached out to a Piirainen family was 10-year-old Molly Bish from a circuitously city of Warren, Massachusetts. She wrote them a minute when Holly was missing, that said, “I am really sorry, we wish we could make it adult to you. Holly is a really flattering girl. She is roughly as high as me. we wish we knew Holly. we wish they found her.”

In a bizarre turn of fate, on Jun 27, 2000, when Molly was 16, she was operative as a lifeguard during a pool circuitously Warren, and she left after her mom forsaken her off. Despite a large hunt and a lot of media attention, Molly’s fundamental stays weren’t found until Jun 2003. Due to a state of a body, it was unfit to tell a means of death, though they do know that she was buried in a shoal grave 8 kilometers (5 mi) divided from her home in a wooded area.

Besides a letter, a girls being kidnapped from a same segment of Massachusetts, and their bodies being found in identical transfer grounds, it’s misleading if a dual murders are connected. That being said, they do share some primary suspects.

In 2012, a masculine named David Pouliot was related to Holly’s murder. He had a rapist record involving with drugs, though he didn’t have a story of attack or passionate offenses. Investigators claimed to have DNA justification arrangement that Pouliot was in a area during a time of a kidnapping, though a justification didn’t definitively integrate him to a abduction or a murder. Unfortunately, a military were never means to ask Pouliot about a DNA justification since he upheld divided from healthy causes in 2003.

Two brothers, Rodney and Randy Stanger, are also suspects. Rodney was a think in Molly’s death, and Randy is a primary think in Holly’s murder. Rodney is now portion 25 years for stabbing his partner to genocide in Feb 2008. A final think in both murder cases was Gerald Battistoni, who was camping in a area during a time of a murders. He never confessed to a murders, and he died in 2014.

Despite a few clever suspects, no one has ever been charged with presumably crime.

2 The Kunz Family


In 1987, a Kunz family comprised 6 of a 950 adults of Athens, Wisconsin. The family was a rather surprising one, to put it mildly. They were a reserved organisation that consisted of 4 aged siblings who’d never married and had lived in a farmhouse their whole life. They were Irene (age 82), Clarence (age 76), Marie (age 72), and Helen (age 70). The other dual members of a Kunz family were Helen’s sons, Kenneth and Randy. Randy lived in a residence and was around his mom a lot, while Kenneth lived in a trailer beside a house.

On a morning of Jul 4, Kenneth finished a horrific discovery: Irene, Clarence, Marie, and his 30-year-old hermit Randy were all dead. They had all been shot dual times in a conduct with a .22-caliber rifle. Helen was missing.

When a military arrived during a house, they found that a farmhouse had no indoor plumbing, and a lot of a cooking was finished on a timber stove outside. The Kunzes were hoarders, and their place was packaged with garbage. There was also a lot of income stashed via a house, $20,000 in all. This finished it formidable for a military to be certain that a ground was spoliation since there was no approach to know how many income was creatively in a house.

While Helen was missing, she was deliberate a think since she’d bought .22-caliber ammunition weeks before a murders, and she’d complained to a owners of a hardware store that she was insane during her family for examination “dirty movies.” Randy presumably systematic a VHS tapes, and Helen had paid for them.

Some bizarre family story also came to light while Helen was missing: In 1905, a 4 Kunz siblings’ grandmother was murdered by her son, J. Wenzel Kunz. He was committed to a mental establishment after a murder. Then, in 1932, when Helen was 15, she got profound with Kenneth, and a Kunz family pronounced that their neighbor, Frank Gumz, a 40-year-old convicted bootlegger, raped her. He was convicted and condemned to 18 months, and he died shortly after portion his sentence. At his trial, Gumz’s invulnerability counsel pronounced that he wasn’t a father and insisted that Helen’s brother, Clarence, was a tangible father. Witnesses pronounced that Helen and Clarence were inseparable, and in interviews after a killings, Kenneth pronounced that his father was Clarence. He wasn’t certain who Randy’s father was.

As a oddness around a box grew, a military were certain that if they found Helen, it would transparent adult a lot of a mystery. But when she was found, it usually astonished things. Nine months after a massacre, Helen’s physique was found buried in a engulf 28 kilometers (17 mi) away.

The usually chairman charged in propinquity to a murders was 23-year-old Chris Jacobs III. He was charged with being a celebration to a murders in 1989. Police believed that Jacobs helped during slightest one other chairman lift out a murders. Jacobs didn’t have an pretext for 10:30 PM, that was a estimate time of a murders, and tire marks found during a family’s farmhouse were identical to a tires on Jacobs’s car. He also owned a .22-caliber rifle. Finally, Jacobs presumably knew that a family competence have income since he’d purchased his automobile from Kenneth years before a murder, and he’d apparently seen an pouch full of cash.

Jacobs’s lawyers argued that while he didn’t have an alibi, he was home by 11:00 PM on a night of a murder, definition that he couldn’t have driven Helen out to a swamp, killed her, buried her, and driven home within half an hour. As for a gun, Jacobs did possess .22-caliber rifles, though nothing of a guns in his possession were a murder weapon, that was never found. Jacobs was eventually transparent of a murders.

Then, in 1993, on a day before a government of stipulations was to run out, a district profession charged Jacobs with a abduction of Helen. Jacobs’s lawyers argued it was double jeopardy, though a justice ruled that he had usually been attempted for a murders and not a kidnapping. At his abduction trial, that used all a justification collected in a murder investigation, his ex-girlfriend, Stacy Weis, pronounced that Jacobs confessed to murdering a Kunzes. Weis usually came brazen after she was arrested in tie with a bank spoliation and home thievery in Minnesota. This time, Jacobs was found guilty and condemned to 31 years in prison, a limit judgment for kidnapping.

Jacobs has always confirmed his innocence, and no one has ever been convicted in tie with a murder of a members of a Kunz family.

1 Gregory Villemin

Vologne River

Lepanges-sur-Vologne is a tiny encampment in northeast France with a race of reduction than 1,000 people. It is also home to one of a many heartless unsolved mysteries in a story of complicated France.

On Oct 16, 1984, a uncle of four-year-old Gregory Villemin perceived a call observant that Gregory had been kidnapped and murdered. Immediately, Gregory’s relatives and a military were alerted. Shortly after a call, a physique of a four-year-old was found floating in a Vologne River about 7 kilometers (4 mi) divided from his home. Gregory’s hands and feet were bound, and he had drowned. The day after a murder, Gregory’s relatives perceived a minute in a mail that read, “I wish we die of grief, boss. Your income can’t give we behind your son. Here is my revenge, we foolish bastard.” The minute had been sent a day of a murder from a post bureau in town.

Gregory’s parents, Christine and Jean-Marie Villemin, knew who was obliged for a murder, though they didn’t know his loyal identity. It was a puzzling masculine whom a media nicknamed “The Crow.” The Crow had been badgering a Villemins for during slightest 3 years before a murder by creation pornographic and melancholy phone calls. The integrate even available some of a phone calls, though a voice was never identified.

There were a series of suspects in a case. The initial was Bernard Laroche, Jean-Marie’s cousin. In Feb 1985, Laroche was privileged of all charges, that murderous Jean-Marie. While vocalization with journalists, Jean-Marie vowed that he would kill his cousin. True to his word, he shot Laroche to genocide on Mar 29 as Laroche was withdrawal work. Jean-Marie was convicted and condemned to 5 years in prison.

Gregory’s mother, Christine, was also a think in a murder. She was seen during a post bureau on a day of a murder, cords identical to those used to connect Gregory were found in a family’s basement, and a scratch research from a minute concerned her. She was even hold as a think in Jul 1985, though afterwards a decider forbade any charge of her, a singular move.

Another engaging fact about a box is that there is copiousness of DNA evidence, including spit left on a stamp and DNA left on a cords. When a cords were tested in 2013, a formula were inconclusive, that creates a odds of anticipating a temperament of a Crow and a torpedo during a heart of “Affaire de Gregory” really doubtful unless someone comes brazen with new information or clues.

Robert Grimminck is a Canadian freelance writer. You can crony him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter or on Pinterest, or revisit his website.


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10 Haunting Small-Town Murder Mysteries

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