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I want to live forever. My superiority in almost every facet of life feels like an error by nature and I would a fool in the trade. Plus provide the without me around the world my achievements, regularly because I remember that my name mean human contributions to society, my land speed records be forgotten.

I have given so much.

Luckily, we live in an age of hyper health consciousness in which is the potential for immortality in the immediate vicinity. Science has decided that, as long as we are willing to comply with a strict lifestyle of the moderation, healthy nutrition and exercise constant, then longevity inevitably follows.

Sounds "But, science," We group, ask "what is, if the hard?"

Enter the pseudoscience cleansing, offers immediate absolution for lifetimes of enjoyment. Cleans everything from cure, eternal youth in exchange for a week of misery and incessant pooping promise. None of this was medically proven, but hope and fear are powerful allies and have no patience for wimps like logic. Last week, I ran a field trial to five who cleans most popular. I did it both in the pursuit of my own permanence and because I was appointed for a two-page spread in the spring issue of weapons and ammunition. What makes my study particularly convincing, however, is that I gradually added all five works in a phased, week long, no holds barred cleaning I call, "Søren cleanse Bowie's hardcore for fuck yeah."

And now, I it gift to you.

What sounds suspiciously like a synonym for the final solution of the Jewish question is actually surprising variety in the color of its ingredients a diet. The Master Cleanse consists of lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup, and tastes exactly as horrible as you would expect. May 12 glasses of thick, spicy lemonade drink, the one day, but I may me more to start, since technically I threw up the first batch. I cannot overemphasize how terrible it is. May you have to recall constantly the immortality is at stake.

Everything beautiful is difficult.

Oil drag by name alone, sound can something where you could show enormous expertise. I also found. More however, the actual cleanse is underwhelming in practice; It's about to swirling vegetable oil in the mouth for twenty minutes every morning. Pollutants, as it is above all love oil out, and of your teeth and gums to swim there. Now, you may be concerned about the prospect to move every horrible thing up by your face from deportation because seems an area that you want to quarantine. Ultimately it will be still, value.

"I am 47."

Here is a nice detox I found online. It's about drink just oil remove gallstones. It calls also for pectin, which will get you from lemon juice in the master cleanse. So take that toxins.

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