Friday, June 3, 2016

10 Bizarre Claims Of Alien/Human Hybrids

Woman with lizard body-art

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10 Bizarre Claims Of Alien/Human Hybrids

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Woman with lizard body-art

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Weird Stuff

Marcus Lowth Jun 2, 2016



Of all a visitor claims and theories out there, a ones that pronounce of an alien/human hybrid bulletin competence be a many outlandish. However, many people do make these claims to a world, and nonetheless they themselves infrequently note how crazy they sound, they insist that what they’re observant is real. While it is tough for even a many eager ufologist or visitor researcher to take these statements wholly seriously, they are still really engaging ideas.

10The Body In The Car

Money by violence

In Jul 2015, a story of a ostensible visitor hybrid supervision agent, who had been found decomposing in a car, seemed on several online media outlets. The man, who was eventually identified as Jeffrey Alan Lash, was found with over a thousand guns, as good as other weapons such as knives, machetes, and a crawl and arrows. He also had 7 tons of ammunition and money amounting to $230,000.

In serve to a automobile he was rescued in—which was designed to be means to expostulate underwater, no less—he also owned 14 other vehicles.

His fiance, Catherine Nebron, done a off-the-wall proclamation of his illusory start by her profession shortly after his death. She settled that Lash had confided in her several weeks before he died that he was operative clandestine for several unnamed supervision agencies. He had left Catherine with instructions to leave his physique in a automobile when he died, and that “government agencies” would come to collect it.

Initial credentials checks on Lash didn’t expose any pointer of rapist activity on his part, and investigators didn’t think that he had been a plant of tainted play. According to Nebron, he had begun to knowledge problem breathing, though he’d refused to let her call for medical assistance in a hours before his death.

9Born In A Petri Dish

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It wasn’t until Cynthia Crawford was in her ’30s that her father suggested to her that she was a outcome of a top-secret supervision program. She was, her father supportive her, an alien/human hybrid combined in a petri dish, and that as good as carrying tellurian DNA, she had a DNA of dual opposite visitor races as partial of her genetic makeup.

She claimed that she had encountered what she believed to be visitor abductions many times via her life—which enclosed medical procedures and impregnation—but that she now satisfied these practice were some-more expected partial of a program.

She was told by her father that, as a child, she was taken in a center of a night to an subterraneous troops facility. There, she was frequently tested and examined by supervision agents there. Despite a many doubters to her story, no DNA contrast has been volunteered by Crawford to endorse her claims. She is a unchanging orator during large UFO and visitor seminars opposite a United States.

8Miguel Mendonca’s Proof Of Alien Hybrids

Alien Abduction

Miguel Mendonca is a heading consultant on immature appetite and renewable appetite sources. He is also assured that aliens are in a routine of assisting humans develop into “higher beings” by implanting their DNA into profound women around a Earth.

Mendonca, from Bristol, England, co-authored a book Meet The Hybrids: The Lives and Missions of ET Ambassadors On Earth with reputable and gifted UFO researcher, Barbara Lamb. In a book, he claims to have met several visitor hybrids, all of whom state they are concerned in a idea that will urge a tellurian race.

Mendonca claims that DNA contrast would be of small use to assistance infer his claims, as customarily tellurian DNA would be rescued and anything else would simply be ignored. He also settled that a variety themselves are opposite their DNA being taken for fear that governments would use it to emanate super soldiers that would be employed by a military.

Mendonca settled that he went into a plan with an open mind, though that he can “feel” a appetite of a variety when he speaks with them and is assured of their authenticity. He also states that he is really many an “academic” and has to be “sure of his facts.”

He believes this is because there are so many UFO sightings and that a hybrid bulletin is a reason “they” are entrance to Earth.

7Celtic Genes

unidentified drifting object

According to Hilary Porter, who says she has been abducted many times herself by aliens, extraterrestrials are privately targeting people of Celtic skirmish in sequence to implement an visitor hybrid program. Porter is an gifted ufologist who is a unchanging orator during UFO seminars. She even believes that one widen of highway in particular, between Swansea and Cardiff in Wales, is a “hot-spot” for UFO activity. Not customarily this, she says that a supervision is entirely wakeful of what is happening, though they are “powerless to stop it.”

Porter believes that aliens are targeting people of Celtic skirmish as they feel their genes are improved matched for formulating a human/alien hybrid race, that she says is their ultimate goal.

Porter has conducted endless investigate for over 4 decades that has led her to interpretation that a visitor hybrid bulletin is really real. She also states that this bulletin is not for a good of mankind, as many who make identical claims contend it is. She says that nonetheless she and others have private pleasing memories from their experiences, this is zero some-more than a “cover” or fake memory ingrained by a aliens themselves in sequence to censor a horrific events.

6Jujuolui Kuita: Star Being

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Author and ufologist Jujuolui Kuita claims to have had supernatural practice given she was 5 years old, and has given “awakened to her ET identity.” In 2010, she published a book We Are Among You Already, that told of how aliens were “incarnating” and formulating alien/human variety right here on Earth. She also founded a East Bay UFO hit organisation a same year.

Kuita states that she is a star being who chose to “incarnate” on Earth as a tellurian being (some are pronounced to select to do so as animals). According to Kuita, Mother Earth sent out a vigilance for assistance into a origination many decades ago. She serve claims that she originates from a star Faqui, that she says is in a Andromeda galaxy, and that her people are called Fajans.

Kuita believes her idea is to support in awakening other star beings and eventually lift a quivering of star Earth, that she says is being monitored by large beings via a cosmos.

5The Indigo Children

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There are claims of Indigo Children or Star Children—extremely intelligent and rarely supportive children—all over a world. While these are many expected customarily normal children who occur to have intensely high comprehension for their immature ages, some explain that they are a outcome of genetic engineering. Two cases in sold seem to mount out

Jason Andrews’s initial visitor knowledge occurred on his fourth birthday in Kent, England, in 1987. As a aroused charge proceeded to brush over a area, Jason apparently began to fuss a array of numbers, clearly in a trance-like state. As a charge took hold, a residence a Andrews family lived in began to shake until Jason incited to his relatives and quietly settled to them, “They are watchful for me—I have to go!”

The four-year-old child afterwards went to exit a skill before his father wrestled him divided from a front door. As unexpected as it had begun, a jolt of a residence and a charge ceased, and Jason returned to his normal self. The family seemed to forget about a occurrence until 8 years later, when Jason supportive them that given that day, he had been abducted by bizarre beings that would come into his room and take him to some kind of handling table. His mother, Ann Andrews, along with UFO researcher and author Jean Ritchie, came to a end that Jason was an Indigo Child, and this was a reason that a aliens had an seductiveness in him. Jason himself, now in his thirties, states that he does have certain penetrating and devout abilities.

Nikki Pattillo claims that her daughter, Maddy, is also an Indigo Child who has claimed several times to her that “her home is in a sky.” Pattillo claims Maddy has grown and shown illusory abilities, and she resolutely believes that a lady carries visitor DNA within her body. Pattillo wrote a book about her practice patrician Children of a Stars and settled that her daughter and many other purported Star Children are a incarnation of spirits that have been sent to Earth from all over a star for a advantage of a tellurian race.

4Hybrid Children And Alien Fathers

kate evelyn pontius

In Jan 2016, a story circulated a Internet per dual immature ladies who claimed they were mothers to mixed visitor hybrid children. Bridget Neilson from Sedona and Aluna Verse from Los Angeles both claimed to be customarily dual of many women who were partial of a Hybridization Program.

Bridget claims to have 10 alien-hybrid children, while Aluna says that she has 3 illusory offspring. They explain that during a moment, their children are in a state of “suspended” childhood and live with their fathers onboard outrageous space ships. They wish that one day they can set adult a village somewhere distant from a city for themselves and other mothers of hybrid children. This they trust will concede their immeasurable children to feel protected adequate to revisit them on Earth.

The aim of a hybridization program, according to Bridget, is to emanate a “super being” with a best of a genes from humans and aliens alike. Bridget claims to be in unchanging hit with all 10 of her children and says that hundreds of women around a star are mothers to hybrid children though simply do not comprehend it.

3David Jacobs

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David Jacobs taught American story for over 30 years during Temple University. He also recently done a explain that aliens had expected been abducting tellurian beings for centuries in sequence to emanate alien/human variety who not customarily travel among us right now though are staid to take over a world. Jacobs is now a executive during a International Centre for Abduction Research and has conducted interviews and studies of over 150 abductees.

He has also expelled several well-written and well-received books to make his evidence to a wider public—all of that have been published by reputable publishers.

He states that abductees, despite underneath hypnosis, some-more mostly than not remember a accurate same problematic details. They all pronounce of possibly human-like or insect-like aliens that seem to have a “need” to breed. Many womanlike abductees frequently pronounce of being assimilated before carrying a fetus private surgically, and afterwards being forced to helper a infant. He also reports that during a time of a purported abductions, a chairman is customarily honestly physically missing, with many desired ones stating a chairman blank before they unexpected reappear again.

Jacobs pronounced recently that his work will possibly be “an engaging though low footnote” or that it will infer to be “the many critical thing that’s ever happened to humankind.” He says that he suspects that a aliens’ actions are for their advantage and not for ours.

2Hybrids Created By Reptilians

Woman with lizard body-art

Alien abductee and UFO researcher James Bartley recently done accessible online an talk he had conducted with a associate abductee who had been sent to him by gifted researcher Barbara Bartholic. In a transcript, a abductee is referred to as “PR” to strengthen his identity.

PR told of his close-up knowledge with alien/human hybrids, who he pronounced are a origination of a reptilians. Their categorical idea was to collect a life force from humans.

Following a talk with PR, Bartley resolved that there are 3 forms of visitor variety on Earth. There are visitor abductees who have had their genetic makeup altered by their abductors. There are “half-grey half-human” visitor variety that are, according to Bartley, mostly benefaction during abductions. And afterwards there are variety that seem for a many partial as normal tellurian beings. It is this final form of variety that a reptilians have placed in positions of appetite around a world. Coincidentally or not, this final explain of variety is really many in line with author David Icke, who has done identical claims of reptilian hybrid aliens for a final dual decades.

1Eddie Page And The Secret Experiment

After years of difficulty that enclosed being arrested as a fugitive during a debate of Vietnam when he went blank for 11 days, a damaged initial marriage, and finding he was adopted, Eddie Page finally rescued a law about his existence. He was a product of a top-secret supervision examination to furnish an visitor hybrid.

According to Page, his father is indeed an visitor from a Pleiades star system. He even claims that his central troops papers state that he is “not of tellurian origin.” Page states that during 1953 to 1955, there were experiments carried out on US adults by aliens in sell for providing visitor record to a US government.

He done a discoveries after he concluded to be hypnotically regressed. He private that a blank days he gifted in Vietnam were due to him being bleeding on a idea he was on and hence being taken by aliens and “patched up” before being returned to Earth—800 kilometers (500 mi) divided from where he should have been. The rest of his section died, and he has no doubt he would have died also if it hadn’t have been for their intervention.

Page serve rescued that he was one of 32 clones who were partial of a experiment—a sum of 21 womanlike clones and 11 (including Page) masculine clones. According to his research, customarily 8 of those clones still alive, of that he is a customarily male.

Despite Page producing purported medical annals that he states shows his blood organisation is unidentified, as good as a fact that he has an additional vertebra and rib, a immeasurable infancy of people are doubtful of his claims, to contend a least.

Marcus Lowth is a author during Me Time For The Mind. You can also find Me Time For The Mind on Facebook.



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10 Bizarre Claims Of Alien/Human Hybrids

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