Sunday, June 5, 2016

10 Bizarre Ways Our Ancestors Explained Disease



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10 Bizarre Ways Our Ancestors Explained Disease

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10 Bizarre Ways Our Ancestors Explained Disease

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Laura Martisiute Jun 4, 2016



We all admire and honour medical experts for their believe and ability to assistance us overcome several sicknesses and diseases. We forget, however, that doctors are usually tellurian and as able of mistakes as a rest of us. This was generally loyal in a past, when a diseases that cheerless a tellurian competition led doctors and medical experts to some truly weird theories and explanations.

10Spread Of Diseases Caused By Night Air


In a Middle Ages, a speculation of miasma was born. According to this theory, “bad air,” that emanated from ebbing organic matter, caused diseases such as cholera, Chlamydia and a Black Death. It seemed to wear around swamps and during a night. Thus many people avoided a night atmosphere by going indoors and gripping their windows firmly shut.

When John Adams and Benjamin Franklin, dual distinguished American figures, were roving together in 1776, they were forced to share a room in a swarming inn. Adams after remarkable in his journal that “the window was open and I, who was an shabby and fearful of a Air in a night (blowing on me) tighten it close.” However, Franklin objected and assured Adams to free a window. The fact that a frequency prepared male like Adams, who after went on to turn president, believed that night atmosphere was noxious, shows us that a miasma speculation was widespread and not usually singular to a poorer, untaught classes. Indeed, doctors and other frequency prepared group upheld a miasma speculation for over a century.

Though a logic was flawed, sealed windows did have some good health effects. Closed windows helped a impediment of malaria or a poison that produces autumnal heat and a ostracism of moisture, that mostly chills a body.

In a second half of a 19th century, a miasma speculation was transposed by a virus theory.

9Epilepsy Caused By Divine Visitation


The early Greeks suspicion that epilepsy (a word that originated from a Greek noun epilambaneim, definition “to seize, possess, or afflict”) was caused by “divine” visitation. Epilepsy was also famous as a “sacred disease,” and it went by some-more than usually one name. Some other names for epilepsy in Ancient Greece were “seliniasmos,” “Herculian disease” (because it influenced a demigod Hercules), and “demonism.”

Epilepsy was deliberate to be a miasma—pollution or noxious form of “bad air”—that was expel on a tellurian soul. Thus epilepsy was regarded as boundless punishment for sinners and was connected with Selene, a enchantress of a Moon, given it was believed that those who annoyed her were cheerless with a disease.

The Ancient Greeks attributed a illness to opposite deities depending on a opposite symptoms that occurred during an epileptic fit. Thus, if a fit enclosed teeth gnashing, epilepsy was ascribed to a enchantress Cybele (goddess of nature). If a plant of epilepsy screamed like a horse, a illness was ascribed to a God Poseidon (god of a sea, earthquakes, and horses). The heal for epilepsy enclosed a routine of protocol catharsis as good as good as a show of recovering chants.

8Leprosy Caused By Divine Retribution


In a Middle Ages, leprosy was suspicion to have been caused by boundless retribution. Victims of leprosy were believed to be pang from a illness as a outcome of their wrong and personal sin. This reason for a illness was generally popularized by several biblical accounts, in that leprosy is sent to sinners as a boundless punishment. Leprosy was seen both as a illness of a physique and a illness of a soul. Thus, lepers were seen as a hazard to multitude not usually given of their earthy condition though also given of their dignified spoil that a implicitly honest were repelled of catching.

As a result, lepers were treated horribly during a Middle Ages—they were shunned by society, were mostly forced to wear bells to advise people of their approach, and infrequently had to attend their possess wake mass during that they were announced strictly passed to a community.

7Colds Caused By Waste Matter


The ancient Greek alloy Hippocrates is mostly deliberate as a father of medicine. He was a initial chairman to diffuse a parable that diseases were caused by indignant gods and insisted that illnesses were caused by zero some-more though outward factors on Earth. In fact, his change and teachings were so successful that in a past, physicians took a Hippocratic Oath, irreverence to urge specific reliable standards.

However, in a time when a many absurd explanations for diseases were born, Hippocrates was no difference and contributed some crazy theories of his own, such as his faith that colds were caused by rubbish matter buildup on a brain. According to Hippocrates, when this rubbish matter overflowed, it resulted in a runny nose. This is where a Greek word for a common cold, catarrh originated. In Greek, catarrh means “flow,” and a Greek word is in fact still used in English today.

6Mental Illness Caused By Witchcraft


In a Middle Ages, people who suffered from mental disorders were suspicion to be possibly underneath a abuse of witches or wizards or hexed by a devil. The many common Gothic diagnosis of mental illness was exorcism. During a Renaissance, blazing a physique and saving a serf essence was a elite routine of “treating” a mentally ill.

During a Middle Ages and a Renaissance, all a tragedies of amiability fell on witches and sinful possession. Women were cursed as witches distant some-more frequently than group given it was widely believed that women were some-more approaching to be cheerless by wicked possession due to their weaker and some-more unlawful nature. It was suspicion that a woman’s reproductive complement was a explanation of this, with a uterus being a source of evil. Supposedly, during their menstruation cycle, women were full of venom that infested them and gave them energy to pervert others.

It was also believed that by imagination one could furnish earthy changes in a body, and so imagination was seen as another form of witchcraft. It was suspicion that a uterus perceived pathological images that could not be subdued. However a principal routine of imagination originated in a spleen. Thus, given dual organs—the uterus and a spleen—which could furnish pathological images existed, women had dual sources of immorality and were some-more absolute than men, given group could usually use immorality by their spleen.

5Hysteria Caused By A Wandering Womb


In Ancient Greece, women who suffered from any form of mental illness were deliberate to be victims of hysteria. And hysteria, according to a ancient Greek alloy Hippocrates, was caused by a erratic womb. According to a Ancient Greek medicine Aretaeus, a womb could pierce ceiling and downward as good as left and right. So for example, if a womb changed up, it caused sluggishness, miss of strength, and vertigo. If a womb changed down, it caused a clarity of choking as good as a detriment of debate and sensibility. The womb relocating downward could also means a sudden, implausible death.

To heal a erratic womb, physicians practical pleasing scents, such as honey, to a vagina given a womb modernized toward them. Alternatively, a womb could also be driven divided from a top physique to where it belonged by a focus tainted scents. Other prescriptions for a erratic womb enclosed constantly nipping on cloves of garlic, prohibited and cold baths, unchanging sex, as good as revisit pregnancy to keep a wearied womb assigned and reduction approaching to quit around a womanlike body.

4Porphyria Explained As Vampirism


Many misconceptions surrounding vampirism emerged during a Middle Ages. However, it is now believed that a singular genetic illness called porphyria competence have indeed started a weird tales concerning “creatures of a night” and not usually a simply irascible minds of Middle Age peasantry.

Scientific and medical believe was frequency singular during a Middle Ages and so a effects of porphyria could have simply been misconstrued as something of a abnormal nature. Patients with porphyria are intensely supportive to object and so competence frequency go outside. If they do brave ramble outside, a Sun competence means terrible disfigurements to a patient’s hands, feet, or face. In misfortune box scenarios, their face competence seem lame or distorted. Their noses, ears, or lips could incline or tumble off, and extreme hair expansion competence occur, creation them seem like a wolf or an animal (hence a werewolf myth, another renouned story during a Middle Ages).

Porphyria can also means erythrodontia (the red blemish of teeth) as good as decrease gums that could have combined a apparition of fangs. As for garlic (we all know those blood-suckers hatred it), a expenditure formula in a worsening of porphyria symptoms and competence indeed inflict pain and means a studious to turn sick.

Today, porphyria is infrequently treated with a injection of a blood product called “heme.” Of course, diagnosis like that did not exist in a Middle Ages so if we get a tiny artistic with a imaginations, victims competence have been instinctively seeking heme by satirical tellurian victims and celebration their blood. Brothers and sisters could have unknowingly common a bad gene that caused porphyria, so a plant of a illness satirical their kin for blood competence have triggered an conflict of a illness in a bitten sibling, formulating a new “vampire” (hence a parable that a vampire’s punch resulted in a plant apropos a vampire as well).

3Ulcers Caused By Stress


William Brinton was one of a initial few doctors to report a stomach ulcer in 1857, though a miss of evidence collection done ulcer showing impossibly difficult. As good as that, no causative representative of ulcers could be found, and no singular compared virus existed. Thus, doctors worldwide incited to a investigate of penetrating and environmental factors to explain a coming of ulcers. Eventually, it was resolved that bad diet, smoking, and highlight caused high poison levels and so were a means of ulcers. Doctors Arvey Rogers and Donna Hoel even wrote that “a peptic ulcer used to be a badge of success. Up-and-coming professionals were approaching to acquire one, and if they didn’t maybe they weren’t operative and worrying tough enough.” The medical recommendation dispensed by doctors worldwide was to take antacids and cgange your lifestyle.

However, patients with critical ulcer problems fell so ill that they had to have their stomachs private and infrequently bled until they died. Shocked by all this atrocity, a medicine named Barry Marshall and a pathologist named Robin Warren began operative together in 1981, dynamic to get to a bottom of what unequivocally caused ulcers. Two years earlier, Warren detected that a tummy could be overshoot by germ called Helicobacter pylori. Through biopsying ulcer patients and culturing organisms in a lab, Marshall traced ulcers (and stomach cancer) to this tummy infection. The heal was antibiotics.

The universe stayed doubtful until Marshall (who was incompetent to make his investigate with mice and who was not authorised to examination on people) drank a Helicobacter pylori himself. Within days, he grown gastritis, a predecessor to an ulcer. He felt ill and tired and started to vomit. Back in a lab, he biopsied his possess gut, culturing a Helicobacter pylori and proof to a whole universe that it was not highlight though germ that was a means of ulcers.

2Autism Caused By The Lack Of Maternal Warmth


The syndrome of autism was initial identified by a child psychiatrist, Leo Kanner, in a 1943 paper. However, he went serve than simply describing a schizophrenia-like facilities of children by focusing profoundly on their relatives and their purpose in contributing to a syndrome.

Kanner had celebrated a tiny sampling of children from prepared families and resolved that a relatives of autistic children tended to be frequency intelligent though during a same time coldhearted and formal. He claimed that autistic children were lifted in siege with no regard emanating from their mothers or fathers. In fact, he went as distant as to contend that a relatives of autistic children were “just duty to defrost adequate to furnish a child.” Kanner was not a usually one to censure a parents. Numerous other psychoanalysts and child growth specialists such as Bruno Bettelheim stressed a purpose of a relatives in causing autism that gave arise to a “refrigerator mother” theory. Throughout a 1950s and 1960s, “refrigerator mothers” (and fathers) not usually had to understanding with their autistic children though also had to bear a shame of branch them autistic in a initial place.

In early 1960s, however, a fridge speculation came underneath glow as relatives of autistic children began to quarrel back. Kanner eventually deserted his strange position, nonetheless other specialists such as Bruno Bettelheim continued to urge it. The weird fridge speculation was mostly deserted in a 1970s, though tiny numbers of a supporters are still sparse opposite Europe and places such as South Korea to this day.

1Birth Defects Caused By Maternal Impressions


According to a speculation of maternal impressions, any fears, desires or clever emotions a lady use during her pregnancy months could have a poignant effects on her child’s earthy appearance. This speculation was intensely renouned in a 18th century and was mostly used to explain birth defects. Thus, if a child was innate deaf, for example, this was a outcome of a mom carrying been repelled by a shrill sound during her pregnancy. As a consequence, it was suggested that profound women unprotected themselves usually to pleasing kick and were suggested to revisit galleries and concerts to safeguard that their child was well-bred and healthy.

However, a speculation of maternal impressions was not cramped to a 18th century usually and in fact goes behind centuries. In ancient Greece, a Greek medicine Galen believed that if a profound lady looked during an picture of someone, her child could resemble that individual. So a use of looking during principle a mom dignified was speedy to furnish appealing children.

It was also believed that a profound woman’s mental state not usually caused vascular birthmarks though also change their figure and location. Thus, if a lady craved or ate a lot of strawberries during her pregnancy, she could have a child who had a blotch that resembled a strawberry.

The maternal impressions speculation thrived by a Middle Ages, a Renaissance and a 18th century. It was eventually challenged by a medicine and anatomist William Hunter in mid-18th century, though many people still believed that maternal impressions had an impact on infants and so this rather weird speculation continued right into a 19th century. By a finish of a 19th century, however, a maternal impressions speculation was discharged completely.

Laura is a tyro from Ireland in adore with books, writing, coffee, and cats.



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10 Bizarre Ways Our Ancestors Explained Disease

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