Thursday, June 2, 2016

10 Ghosts, Monsters, And Curses Of The American South

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Benjamin Welton Jun 1, 2016



From bayous lonesome in Spanish moss to a imperishable foothills of a Appalachian Mountains, a American South presents a legend-haunted landscape full with many ghosts, ghouls, and monstrosities. Like a rest of America, a South is a repository of European, African, and Latin American folktales, all of that have been given a Southern season over a generations. Currently, a South is a hotbed of paranormal activity and abnormal sightings.

10 Two-Toed Tom


By a time that University of Alabama highbrow Carl Carmer set down a fable of Two-Toed Tom in his book Stars Fell on Alabama, a quadruped was described as a “red-eyed hell-demon” that took a form of a 4-meter-long (14 ft) alligator. Although many locals on a Florida-Alabama line might explain that a fable is ancient, many accounts of Two-Toed Tom started present in a 1920s.

Principally located in a city of Florala, Alabama, Two-Toed Tom is reportedly a good carnivore who likes to feast on livestock. Furthermore, it’s believed that Two-Toed Tom warranted his moniker after removing his feet held in a trap, thereby disjunction dual toes on his left foot.

The many widely steady comment concerning Two-Toed Tom concerns his conflict with a rancher by a name of Pap Haines. After anticipating one of his mules grotesquely mauled, Haines and his sons filled 15 syrup buckets with dynamite and tossed them all into a pool where they believed that Two-Toed Tom was digesting his latest meal.

Tragically, all a dynamite did was expostulate Two-Toed Tom out of a water. Once on land, a quadruped snatched Haines’s 12-year-old granddaughter and killed her. A distraught Haines vowed vengeance, though he unsuccessful to kill a beast. As such, a common gossip is that Two-Toed Tom is cool to bullets.

9 The Grafton Monster

While many discuss either or not West Virginia is a Southern state, a fact that a infancy of a state lies next a Mason-Dixon Line qualifies it for this list. The Mountain State has a satisfactory share of monsters and savage hunters. The Grafton Monster is usually one such example.

Located in a north-central segment of West Virginia, Grafton is best famous as a hearth of Mother’s Day and was once a moneyed tyrannise town. Nowadays, Grafton is improved famous for a pepperoni rolls (a West Virginia sweetmeat internal to a north-central region) and a monster.

According to a initial watcher accounts that emerged in a 1960s, a Grafton Monster is pronounced to resemble Bigfoot, mount between 2–3 meters (7–9 ft) tall, and have slick, seallike skin. Like Sheepsquatch, another West Virginia monster, a Grafton Monster is pronounced to be really pale.

One of a initial people to see a savage was Robert Cockrell, a contributor for a Grafton Sentinel, who claimed to have seen a savage while pushing on a night of Jun 16, 1964. Cockrell’s sighting, that begat a array of articles in a Grafton Sentinel, set off a disturb for a savage in Grafton, so ensuring a symbol for a quadruped in West Virginia folklore.

8 Moon-Eyed People

Stories about North Carolina’s Moon-Eyed People can be traced behind to a region’s internal Cherokee people. Long a inhabitants of a Southern Appalachians, a Cherokee used to pronounce of a Moon-Eyed People as a apart competition of squat, bearded, and ideally dark tribesmen.

Unlike a Cherokee or a Creek (the latter clan being a remarkable rivalry of a Moon-Eyed People), a Moon-Eyed People built mill forts, some of that can still be found all opposite farming North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee. The Moon-Eyed People are also pronounced to be a nightly competition who cite to live subterraneous in a almighty darkness.

As a fable goes, a Moon-Eyed People were driven subterraneous by a Creek (some sources contend a Cherokee) after losing a prolonged war. Driven from their domicile in Hiwassee, that is now circuitously a city of Murphy, North Carolina, a Moon-Eyed People went north into a plateau during a full Moon and began vital like ghosts.

The fable of a Moon-Eyed People is identical to a Cherokee tales of a Yunwi Tsudi and a Nunnehi, both of whom have been described as haunt races. However, a fact that a Moon-Eyed People seem to be tellurian has led to conjecture concerning their origins.

Many trust that a Moon-Eyed People are an ancestral memory about early Cherokee hit with pre-Columbian European settlers. In particular, many indicate to a Welsh fable of Prince Madoc, a Gothic figure who presumably navigated a Ohio River in a 12th century, as a source of a Moon-Eyed People.

7 Demon Dog Of Valle Crucis

Considering that so many of Appalachia’s inhabitants can snippet their origins to a British Isles, privately Wales, a Scottish borders, and a Protestant settlements of Northern Ireland, it’s not startling that certain Appalachian legends are echoes of comparison British ones. In a box of a Demon Dog of Valle Crucis, a change of Great Britain’s many “black dogs” is unmistakable.

Valle Crucis (“Valley of a Cross”) is a little city in a hills of western North Carolina. The name stems from a fact that dual rivers accommodate during right angles in a center of a circuitously valley. Does a crossroads-like pattern have something to do with a village’s demon dog? Maybe.

Either way, according to internal superstition, a bright chase haunts an aged mill church not distant from Highway 194. According to eyewitnesses, a Demon Dog is assertive and is not bashful about chasing gullible adults divided from a domain.

6 The Devil’s School

Before earning a sinister nickname, a Devil’s School in Jacksonville, Florida, was strictly called Duval County’s Public School No. 4. A weathered, brown-brick structure not distant from Interstate 10, a Devil’s School warranted a condemned repute in a 1960s when a furnace blast in a groundwork killed several students, teachers, and a school’s sole janitor.

As with many legend-tripping spots, this story about a furnace blast causing a electrocute is not true. During a 1980s, a deserted propagandize became a hotspot for teenagers meddlesome in scaring any other. Other variations of a electrocute fable indicted a cannibal principal or a sociopathic janitor for a school’s gutting.

No matter that chronicle of a story is told, a Devil’s School is conjectural to be a heart of eerie activity. Paranormal investigators who have explored a decayed and deserted propagandize explain that, along with all of a eerie graffiti, a propagandize sports a satisfactory share of ghosts.

5 The Curse Of The Haunted Pillar

As a story goes, a Haunted Pillar in Augusta, Georgia, once belonged to a abounding city market. One day, a firebrand reverend motionless to widespread a Good Word while station beside a pillar. The internal authorities had other ideas, however. Before being physically private from his surprising soapbox, a reverend accursed a city and pronounced that his post would shortly be a usually thing left station in all of Augusta. A weird hurricane brought this abuse to life by leveling a whole town. The usually thing inexperienced was a pillar.

As if this weren’t bad enough, it is claimed that whoever tries to pierce a post is accursed to die. Interestingly, today’s post usually dates behind to a 1930s given a strange pen was knocked down during an vehicle collision in 1935. Local businessmen, who substantially saw a value in gripping such an civic fable going, fast rebuilt a post on a dilemma of 5th and Broad Streets.

4 Skinned Tom


East Tennessee’s Skinned Tom is also famous by a reduction frightening name Old Tom. Like real-life sequence killers, Skinned Tom is pronounced to haunt removed lovers’ lanes. When he catches couples necking in parked cars, Skinned Tom approaches their vehicles really quietly. Initially, a antagonist appears to be normal. But once Skinned Tom gets close, his victims notice that he is a skinless sight whose viscera still kick and beat as if alive.

The many common story about Skinned Tom is that he was once a hastily brute who had a robe of cuckolding married men. That all altered when an barbarous father held a backwoods Casanova one night in a lovers’ lane. Rather than kill Tom outright, a father motionless to skin Tom alive. This terrible genocide left Skinned Tom with a low loathing of women.

Some stories contend that Skinned Tom can't rest until he finds a lady who watched him die, while others simply explain that Skinned Tom, who tends to lift a knife, is simply dedicated to eradicating lovers’ lanes circuitously a Tennessee city of Rogersville.

3 Witch Dance At Natchez Trace


On a Natchez Trace Parkway, there sits an surprising sign. Located in a campground usually south of Tupelo, Mississippi, a “Witch Dance” pointer claims that witches with black capes and brooms once used a timberland to ritually promulgate with demons. Furthermore, when a witches danced during a early morning hours, their feet would spasmodic hold a ground. This is a reason given for a campground’s many whip marks.

The thought of a witch-haunted Natchez Trace (today’s Tombigbee National Forest) has been around given during slightest a days of Andrew Jackson. Even a boss himself done a biography entrance about how Micajah “Big” Harpe—a backwoods sequence torpedo who had terrorized a inhabitants of Kentucky and Tennessee with his hermit during a American Revolution—had tempted a witches by jumping from whip symbol to whip mark.

Another fable connected to Natchez Trace claims that a area was condemned prolonged before Hernando de Soto explored a Mississippi River in 1541. According to this belief, a area’s Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes avoided a area wholly given they saw a whip outlines as signs of accursed land.

2 The Hoodoo Marker

Like West Virginia, many people do not cruise Maryland a Southern state. Also like West Virginia, Maryland lies next a Mason-Dixon Line, thereby earning it a place on this list. Kingsville, Maryland, that shares a same county as Baltimore, is a little city of about 4,000 people. Its usually explain to celebrity is a scary Hoodoo Marker that now sits usually off US Route 1.

Like a better-known sacrament of voodoo, hex is a form of folk sorcery that is predominately achieved by African Americans. Unlike voodoo, that borrows heavily from Roman Catholicism, hex is a some-more scattered, reduction hierarchical sacrament that has taken some pointers from Protestant Christianity, generally Baptist and Pentecostal practices.

Interestingly, a Hoodoo Marker does not have anything to do with hoodoo. The mill post is zero though a former skill pen owned by a male named Edward Day. Angered by a court’s preference to preference his neighbor Thomas Todd in a skill dispute, Day stamped a abuse on his pen that damns anyone who seeks to pierce a stone. Needless to say, a mill has not been uprooted, shifted, or relocated in over 200 years.

1 Devil Man


In terms of parable and legends, no American state can hold Louisiana. The inhabitant home of voodoo, black magic, and other kinds of scary workings, a Pelican State is a abounding source of Southern folklore. One story might or might not engage a Devil himself.

Prior to a Devil Man’s attainment in New Orleans, a different Axeman had terrorized a city. A sequence torpedo who mostly preyed on a city’s Italian population, a Axeman managed to enter homes unannounced by chiseling out panels in solid, wooden doors.

While many investigators trust that a Axeman did this as a diversion, his heading assured many New Orleans residents that a torpedo was some kind of abnormal entity. A Mar 1919 minute reportedly created by a torpedo serve strengthened this suspicion. In a letter, that was published by a New Orleans Times-Picayune, a Axeman claimed that he was zero reduction than an tangible demon.

Twenty years after in Sep 1938, eyewitnesses claimed that a Algiers territory of New Orleans was tormented by another demon. Called a Devil Man, this savage was described as carrying vast pinkish ears, duck eyes, and prolonged black horns. For a many part, a Devil Man rode by a night sky, trashed bars, and done bold comments to women. In other instances, a Devil Man incited himself into a baboon in sequence to connote capture.

Benjamin Welton is a freelance author formed in Boston. His work has seemed in The Weekly Standard, The Atlantic, Listverse, Metal Injection, and other publications. He now blogs during



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10 Ghosts, Monsters, And Curses Of The American South

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