Wednesday, May 4, 2016

10 Biological Mysteries That Continue To Baffle Scientists


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10 Dark Stories Ancients Told About Our Night Skies

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10 Terrible Tales Of Murderous Identical Twins

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woman Surprised


10 Successful Books Later Revealed To Be A Hoax

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10 Failed 20th-Century Coups

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10 Horrifically Botched Circumcisions

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Movies and TV

10 Moronic Teens Who Were Killed Mimicking ‘Jackass’

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Top 10 Ways The Pharaohs Still Influence Egypt Today

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10 Sacrificial Rituals Practiced By Ancient Farmers

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10 Intriguing Mysteries About Sound-Related Phenomena

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10 Fascinating Facts About Prostitution In The Victorian Era

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10 Dark Stories Ancients Told About Our Night Skies

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10 Terrible Tales Of Murderous Identical Twins

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woman Surprised


10 Successful Books Later Revealed To Be A Hoax

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10 Failed 20th-Century Coups

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10 Horrifically Botched Circumcisions

May 1, 2016


Paul Jongko Apr 23, 2016



For centuries, scientists have used biology to assistance know life. Many phenomena that a ancient ancestors have attributed to a gods and spirits are now simply explained with biology. This critical systematic margin of investigate has helped us improved know ourselves and a universe we live in. But notwithstanding a many advances we’ve done in biology, there are still some questions that even a best and many intelligent scientists can’t answer.

10Why Do Hammerhead Sharks Look Like That?


Out of all a shark class in a world, hammerhead sharks are a many mysterious. These sea creatures got their name from a startling figure of their heads, though their heads don’t unequivocally resemble a hammer. Scientists cite to use a tenure “cephalofoil” when referring to a singular figure of a shark’s head. According to David Jacoby of a Zoological Society of London, hammerhead sharks are “the youngest operative class of sharks.” While a initial shark class seemed 450 million years ago, hammerheads are customarily 20 million years old.

Scientists have due several theories about a singular figure of a hammerhead shark. One of those theories suggested that a “flattened conduct enhances a shark’s swimming performance.” Another probable reason is that a singular figure improves a shark’s clarity of steer and smell. But maybe a many weird speculation scientists have presumed is that hammerhead sharks use their singular heads as a form of arms to assistance them hoop their chase better.

9Why Is Kava Safe For Pacific Islanders, But Toxic For Some Westerners?


During a ’90s, kava became renouned in a United States, Canada, and Europe. It was marketed by a health further attention as a healthy diagnosis for sleeping problems, romantic stress, and anxiety. But in 2001, kava users reported that they gifted liver problems. Because of this, many Western countries possibly criminialized or regulated a plant-based supplement.

The inhabitants of a Pacific Islands have used kava as a rite splash for many years. People who devour it contend that “its effects are identical to alcohol.” Aside from regulating it in ceremonies, Pacific Islanders also use kava to assistance them relax and urge their mood and their health.

What puzzles scientists is that Pacific Islanders do not knowledge any poisonous effects from celebration kava. They do not humour from liver problems like Westerners. Several theories have been due in an bid to solve this mystery. Some theories are a genetic differences between Westerners and Pacific Islanders, a sold form of kava used, or a approach a plant was prepared.

8What Causes Putrid Finger And How Do You Cure It?

woman pinches nose with fingers looks with offend something sti

An unnamed Welsh male became a theme of an interesting—but rather ridiculous—article published in a Lancet after he incidentally cut his finger with a duck bone. The male didn’t die, though he suffered immensely. After he got cut, his finger started to smell. The fragrance was so terrible that it was allied to decaying meat, and it lasted for 5 years.

The occurrence happened in Sep 1991. At that time, a Welsh male was 29 years aged and was creation a vital by sauce chickens. When a man’s wound became sharp and reddish, he went to Gwent Hospital in Newport Wales to deliberate with 4 doctors (Peter Holt, Meirion Llewely, David Kelly, and Caroline Mills). The physicians attempted regulating opposite antibiotics, such as flucloxacillin, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, and metronidazole, to get absolved of a toxic smell. When that failed, they attempted palm surgery, though this didn’t solve a problem, either.

Over a march of half a decade, a doctors attempted roughly each solution: ultraviolet light treatment, probanthene, colpermin, antibiotic withdrawal, psoralen, and more. The physicians motionless to tell a bizarre box in a Lancet with a hopes that “some medicine somewhere had encountered a identical problem and could advise a way.” After 5 prolonged years of perplexing and failing, a toxic smell mysteriously vanished.

7What Caused A Mountain Lion to Become Monstrously Deformed?

In late 2015, a hunter from Preston, Idaho, speckled and killed a strange-looking towering lion. The animal had small, white whiskers and wholly shaped fangs on a tip of a head. The unnamed hunter speckled a towering lion when it pounded a dog. The dog survived, though a singular cat was legally harvested by a hunter.

Scientists don’t know what caused a cat to turn monstrously deformed, though they offering dual plain explanations. The startling expansion on a animal’s conduct competence be “the stays of a conjoined twin that died in a womb, though was engrossed by a flourishing fetus.” It could also be a teratoma tumor. This kind of growth is customarily soft and can enclose hair, teeth, toes, and fingers. Teratoma tumors don’t customarily start in animals and humans, though they do cocktail adult from time to time, usually like a baby from Maryland whose teratoma growth contained wholly shaped teeth.

While a dual theories offer trustworthy explanations about a towering lion’s looks, a biologists who presumed them acknowledge that “the accurate means of a [animal’s] monstrosity is everyone’s guess.”

6What Is The Purpose Of The Hymen?

Dictionary clarification of word hymen

The hymen has been traditionally compared with virginity, though now, we know that this faith is not wholly true. The hymen can rip due to exercise, tampon use, and masturbation in further to passionate intercourse. Human females aren’t a customarily ones who possess these crescent-shaped, skinny membranes. Mammals, such as whales and elephants, have hymens too.

There are several theories that try to de-mystify a hymen, though evolutionary scientists are still nonplussed as to a loyal physiological purpose. One speculation suggests that “the hymen arose given it was a fascinating trait, due to a common governmental welfare for pure wives.” However, a problem to this logic is that it customarily relates to humans. Animals don’t unequivocally caring either a womanlike is a pure or not when it comes to mating and reproduction. Another speculation suggests that a hymen is to strengthen women from vaginal infections.

5Why Can’t Humans Walk Straight?

Woman Walking To Another Dimension

A German investigate scientist named Jan Souman conducted an examination that showed that humans are unqualified of walking in a true line. Souman blindfolded his subjects and educated them “to try to travel true for adult to an hour.” Instead of walking straight, a volunteers walked in circles. The German scientist conducted a examination in several locations, such as a beach and a Sahara Desert, though a formula were a same.

Souman afterwards attempted another experiment, and this time there were no blindfolds. The formula were opposite and a bit surprising. If it was pale out, a subjects walked in circles. When a continue was good and sunny, customarily one of a subjects was means to travel comparatively straight.

So since does this materialisation exist? Scientists don’t unequivocally have an explanation, and Jan Souman is still operative on a multi-causal theory.

4Why Do Humans Have Pubic Hair?


Have we ever wondered since we have hair in a genital areas? Society says it is unappealing and that we should get absolved of a hair, though it does have a purpose. Unfortunately, scientists don’t accurately know what this ostensible purpose is. Many theories have been due to explain a hair’s function, though there’s unequivocally no transparent answer.

One speculation suggests that pubic hair releases pheromones—bodily scents that others competence find intimately stimulating. Some people are able of consciously smelling a participation of pheromones. For others, showing of a smell and passionate kick happens during a some-more subconscious level. If this speculation is scold afterwards we should stop shred a pubic hair, being that it can diminution or even discharge a passionate attractiveness.

Another speculation suggests that genital hair protects a reproductive organs, generally a vagina, from mud and particles. However, there’s one problem to this theory: It customarily relates to women. If it is practical to group afterwards there should also be pubic hair safeguarding a urethra.

3Why Do Humans Love Music?


Music gives tone and season to life, and though it, a universe would be a boring, routine place. Scientists are perplexing to figure out a accurate reason since humans have a healthy desire and love for music.

The mind does not unequivocally have a “music center,” or if such a expertise does exist, scientists have not nonetheless detected it. Just like memory and learning, estimate or appreciating strain is a higher-order routine that involves several areas of a brain. According to one study, a right temporal lobe is activated when a chairman focuses on a peace of a song. This sold segment of a mind also works closely with a frontal lobe to form “meaningful low-pitched syntax (or structure).”

In another investigate conducted by McGill College in 2001, researchers detected that a brain’s area activated when people listened songs that prompted goosebumps. These were a same regions that activated for other silken activities, like drugs and sex. Scientists ascertain that given a kick constructed by strain is allied to a few other presence mechanisms, such as sex and good food, afterwards carrying a ability to conclude or play strain competence have given amiability some evolutionary advantage.

2Why Have Ultraconserved Elements Remained Unchanged For Millions Of Years?


A genetics highbrow and her group during Harvard Medical School are operative tough to solve a biological poser that could potentially forestall cancer and other illnesses. Professor Ting Wu wants to learn a reason since hundreds of tiny segments of a tellurian genome have remained unvaried for some-more than 300 million years. This materialisation does not customarily start in humans—it also shows adult in other animal species, such as rats, dogs, cows, and horses.

Known as ultraconserved elements (UCEs), these fast chunks of DNA are believed to have remained unvaried for millions of years given they lift out life-sustaining functions. Several studies uncover that UCEs don’t seem to have any purpose. They don’t even play a purpose in protein production, like many other DNA strands.

In one experiment, scientists private a UCEs of mice. If UCEs do indeed lift out life-sustaining functions, afterwards a mice should have died, though they were totally healthy after a experiment. Wu due a speculation of her possess called a notice hypothesis. She believes that UCEs act as “surveillants” scanning particular cells for errors. If there are many errors, afterwards a influenced dungeon is ordered to eliminate itself or “somehow be killed off.” Wu admits that her reason is not conclusive, and UCEs sojourn a biological mystery.

1Why Do We Pick Our Nose?

Digging for gold

Have we ever wondered since we collect a nose? Probably not, given there are distant some-more critical things in life to worry about than this outrageous behavior. Surprisingly, there are several scientists who are intrigued about nose-picking and are operative tough to learn a reason as to since we do it. Though it is deliberate taboo, roughly all of Earth’s population, either in open or in private, is picking their nose.

Nose-picking is seen as a sterilizing though outrageous act of stealing nasal debris. This competence seem like an glorious reason as to since humans do it, though one investigate in 2006 showed that nose-picking could potentially means harm. People who collect their noses are some-more expected to turn carriers of a certain nasty germ called Staphylococcus aureus than their non-picker counterparts. In other words, picking your nose can make we a spreader of bacterial infections. For some, nose-picking has apropos an diseased and damaging behavior. A 53-year-old lady forged a hole into her sinus and nasal septum (the cartilage and bone that separates a nostrils) as a outcome of ongoing nose-picking.

So since do humans still continue to collect if it’s some-more damaging than helpful? Scientists still don’t have an answer. Perhaps, as pardonable and outrageous as it is, this duty is unfailing to sojourn an almighty biological mystery.

When not bustling operative with MeBook—an app that transforms your Facebook into an tangible printed book—Paul Jongko spends his time essay engaging things and formulating piano covers.



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10 Biological Mysteries That Continue To Baffle Scientists

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