Saturday, May 7, 2016

How to Move Your Site Correctly from to a Self Hosted Installation is a a good use for hosting your WordPress site for giveaway though it does come with some limitations, mostly due to a fact that we dont have full control over each aspect of your website. If we are informed with WordPress and prepared to take it to a subsequent turn with some-more control over that plugins we can run, how to monetize it and so on afterwards we should cruise relocating it over to a self-hosted installation.

A self-hosted WordPress site gives we a leisure of selecting whatever horde we wish so we can safeguard your site runs as well-spoken as probable and grows as vast as it needs to be. You’ll also open a gateway to a outrageous collection of reward WordPress themes, giveaway and reward plugins, and a ability to monetize your site as we wish.

Follow consummate with a finish beam that will uncover we how to pierce your site rightly so we don’t remove supporters or traffic.

Exporting Your Site

We’re going to assume we already have a domain, hosting and WordPress set adult on your new site. We suggest WPEngine if we still need a host. WPEngine is a managed WordPress horde that offers affordable hosting and well-optimized servers designed to broach lightning quick speeds to WordPress sites.

Type your URL in your web browser though supplement /wp-admin/ to a finish of it, and strike enter to record into your site’s admin area: Admin

Hover over Tools in a menu to a left, and name Export. Click Start Export underneath a giveaway option:

Start Export

Make certain All Content is selected, and click Download Export File:

Download Export File

Save a XML record to your computer.

Importing Your Site in

Log into a admin area of your new WordPress site. Make certain we undo a default post Hello world! and default page Sample Page that comes with each new WordPress installation.

Hover over Tools in a left-hand menu, and name Import. Select WordPress:

Select WordPress

A window should seem as a lightbox seeking we to implement a WordPress Importer plugin. Click a Install Now symbol located in a lower, right-hand dilemma of a window. Activate a plugin once it installs.

Click Choose File, and name a XML record we downloaded. Click Upload File and Import:

Upload File and Import

If you’ve already set adult a user form for your new WordPress site, go forward and name it from a drop-down menu. If not, enter one in a Create New User with Login Name box.

Make certain a Download and Import File Attachments box is checked. This imports images and any other media files we extrinsic into your posts. Click Submit once you’re done:

Click Submit

Look during your Posts section. You should see all of your published posts, drafts and categories. Make certain your pages alien as well.

Deactivate and undo a WordPress Importer plugin.

Should we Set My Site to Private or Redirect Users to My New Site?

The subsequent step we name depends on a few factors. If we still have a URL, such as, and have a constant following and SEO status, route users to your new site.

If we don’t have a constant following or we purchased a .com domain from, set your blog to private. If we have a domain, you’ll need to send it to a domain registrar and indicate a nameservers to your horde or send it directly to your host.

If we wish to route users to your new site, that means they’ll be taken to your new site automatically when they go to your domain, record behind into a admin area of your site, and click Store. Click Settings in a bottom, left-hand corner.

Under a Site Address section, click a Redirect This Site link:

Redirect This Site

Enter a domain of your new website, and click Go. Enter your remuneration information, and endorse remuneration to finish a redirect. Now when users or hunt engines find posts connected to your site, they’ll be redirected to your self-hosted WordPress site.

If we wish to set your site to private, tell a blog post good before-hand to advise readers about a move. Let them know all of your calm will be changed to your new site as good as where they can find your new site.

Head to a admin area of your site. Hover over Settings, and name Reading. Under Site Visibility, name we Would Like My Site to be Private, Visible Only to Myself and Users we Choose:

Site Visibility

Make certain we corkscrew down and click Save Changes.

Migrating Subscribers

If we have a constant following, pierce your subscribers over to your new site. This is one of a facilities that comes with a Jetpack plugin. Go to a admin area of your new site. Hover over Plugins, and name Add New.

Jetpack is customarily one of a tip suggested plugins when we perspective a Add New page in WordPress, so we shouldn’t need to hunt for it too hard. Click Install Now once we find it:

Install Jetpack Plugin

Activate a plugin once we implement it. Make certain you’re logged into your site in a same browser. Select Jetpack from a left-hand menu, and click Connect Jetpack. Click Approve when a plugin tells we it would like to bond to your account.

Back in, click My Sites, and name Switch Sites. Select your new site.

Click a Settings symbol located in a bottom, left-hand corner. Click Migrate Followers from Another Blog:

Migrate Followers

Make certain your site is selected, and click Migrate on a subsequent page. You’ll accept a acknowledgment email once it completes.

What to Do Next

Now that you’ve changed your site over to a self-hosted WordPress site, implement a plugin that lets we emanate an Undergoing Maintenance or Coming Soon page. This lets we keep your site dark while we implement a new thesis and redesign a look. Some plugins even concede we to place an email form on your Coming Soon page so we can build an email list while we work on your site’s new design.

Divi by Elegant Themes

With that being said, we should also implement a thesis to give your site a reward look. We suggest Divi by Elegant Themes. It’s a stretchable WordPress thesis that comes with 18 pre-made layouts and a manageable design, a really critical underline to have in 2016.

Once your site is up, make certain we review a guides on how to raise a speed and keep it secure. Good fitness with a move!

Lyn Wildwood is a freelance blogger who specializes in essay about such topics as WordPress and online business. She combined WordPress and online business educational website Check out her portfolio during

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