Friday, May 6, 2016

Pricing Table Design Inspiration: Best Designed Pricing Tables for 2016

Your pricing table is the like the altar of your business. How the altar looks to inspire action, how well it serves its purpose, how effectively it caters to your customers’ needs – decides if visitors make an offering or not.

A high-converting pricing table isn’t about cramming in every element of every size, from tool tips to package images.

It is about how everything is integrated – by design.

So here’s a look at some inspirational pricing table designs for your website. These should show you how to showcase your products or services, their features, and prices, effectively and beautifully.

Read on to be motivated to come up with your ideal pricing table design.

1. Dropbox


Dropbox’s plans page definitely has one of the most simple, inspiring designs of all. It is specific, and the price structures use attention-grabbing, descriptive package images.

The price table blends in to the background, seamlessly integrated into the web page. The way the plans divided are for teams or individuals – with a singular line, as opposed to different column colors – makes it all the more minimalistic.

2. Wufoo


Another clear-cut pricing table is Wufoo’s plans price table design. It uses a colorful matrix-style layout.

You can also switch from monthly to annual plans by clicking on the slider button above, making interface intuitive.

The call-to-action buttons are placed on the top and bottom, to encourage more clicks. Instead of mentioning the features over and over, Wufoo lists their features only in their most popular Bonafide package, comparing feature availability on the either side with green check-marks.

3. Freshdesk


FreshDesk’s pricing table is one of the most refreshing pricing tables I’ve seen in a long time. The theme of the package images is that of increasing greenery – a creative, stimulating way of describing the plans.

The most popular one is highlighted with a small GIF of a hovering air balloon. It immediately commands attention as it is the only animated element in the stationary price table.

The colors chosen for the images used before each feature, and the CTA buttons are variations of green – and so are appropriately branded. It is a neat effort geared towards increasing their conversion rate.

4. Plugmatter


We went for elegance and a classic look with our pricing table design for all our plugins at Plugmatter. All our price tables use a matrix-style layout, where all the features are on the left, and feature availability and details are on the right.

The design has the same color scheme as our website – white and red. The featured plan in the center looks more ‘lit’, with a brighter shade of white and red used in it to draw attention.

Interestingly, we have the exact same design included in our top-selling pricing table plugin as a template, and happens to be a customer favorite.

5. Pulse


Pulse’s pricing table design has the best sophistication, in that it is simple.

The design is features small text in a spacious layout, giving it an air of boldness. The sign-up button is also big, motivating visitors to take action.

The featured package is slap in the center, and more contrasted with a darker black and a brighter sign-up. It also has a tag saying “Great Value” above the featured package, further persuading visitors to sign up for it.

6. MailChimp


One of my favorite price charts is MailChimp’s price comparison table. It has such an austere design, but manages to communicate a lot to visitors.

It has a special feature where the “Recommended” tag hops from one plan to another, depending on number of subscribers that you need. The slider above the taable makes this not only intuitive, but also useful for visitors to know what to choose.

They may not mention the price right away, but the design and descriptions in the pricing table is enough to keep them curious.

7. ZenDesk


Zendesk has truly upped its game, by offering a free trial for all its packages.

There’s a better chance of a potential customer becoming a customer, if they are allowed to see the effectiveness of your product/service in action.

With that in mind, the Try buttons are highlighted orange. That’s an smart way to convert visitors to at least subscribers, if not to customers right away.

The featured plan in their price table is not only highlighted, but is further promoted by having all trial versions be a fully-functional Professional plan – which the tag points out.

8. Litmus


Litmus’ pricing table design experiments with big block colors that complement each other, with one for each plan.

The pricing table has a CTA both above and below – but they’re not similar.

On top it’s a button, but on the bottom it’s an accurate offer to save a certain amount of money on each plan, for its annual option. It works because it explains the benefits to the user, as opposed to simply pushing the annual option.

9. BeanStalk


For me, BeanStalk’s price table is one of the most straightforward designs. It is structured well – the plans for different target audiences are on different cards, with different colors.

The plans priced higher, for businesses and enterprise, are also on a card that is more 3D than the flat gray card for freelancers and start ups.

The package names, Bronze, Platinum, etc. may not reveal much, but the amount of information served everywhere else justify the names being used just to differentiate between packages.

10. Readymag


Readymag’s price comparison table is very cut-to-the-chase, but pleasantly so. Only two colors – a navy blue, and white – are used.

The contrasting dark blue against the while makes the table look sharp. More importantly, the dollar sign is small when compared to the size of price, which is shown to reduce the pain of payment.

The annual option clearly mentions how much visitors would save. The tooltips beside some of the options on the Super Publisher plan help visitors know what these features do, or how they work.

11. Crazyegg


This pricing table design by Crazyegg, gets many things right.

A blue Plus package to ensure the featured plan is the color that elicits trust the most. Green, action-inspiring buttons.

Usually, if the features vary only in magnitude, that variable is bold, and perhaps slightly larger. Like in BeanStalk’s price table above – the Bronze package is shown to have “3GB storage capacity”.

Crazyegg has these variables in a much larger font, to make it all the more evident for their visitors, and easier for them to choose.

12. Heroku


Heroku’s pricing chart uses an almost entirely monochromatic design, with almost everything being purple.

The only spot of blue is used for the Professional plans card, in the CTA button.

Also, the price is given in the CTA buttons, instead of above them. Visitors can weigh their choice based on a package’s features, instead of on the price.

They also keep the feature list minimal by “building” on each plan for the next; hovering above the All Free Features point opens a description saying it has all the features of the Free plan.

13. Freshbooks


Freshbook’s pricing table almost seems like it is floating text in between the page. In a unique take on the cards-style layout, it is a severely minimalistic version of that style.

It works because most plans have only the number of clients differing between them, and by extension, the price.

The featured Evergreen package has a festive “Most Popular” tag above it. Here again, the dollar sign is much smaller than the size of the price. shown to reduce the pain of payment.

14. Slidedeck


All the packages on Slidedeck’s price table look the same.

The featured package is lightly darker, but otherwise the plans, at least visually, don’t differ.

Why does it work?

For an add-on like Slidedeck, the availability of each feature – however peripheral it may seem to an outsider – can be essential for its users. Whether or not the Parfocal Lens or the Leather Lens is available, could be the deciding factor behind a purchase, because their customers want as much customization as possible.

The simple, fuss-free design also works because it is easily consumable. A dark grey background – for the features text and the check marks to pop out. And friendly, blue CTA buttons with Buy Now as their button copy.

15. YepText


YepText’s pricing table design hardly takes a minute to process visually. Not just because it’s so short, but because you can actually see, review, decide what you want in a few moments if you had to – all essential information is right there.

The package names are descriptive, helping visitors decide what’s right for them. But more significantly,they’re in line with the type of audience they address – like Workin’ It, The Beast, The Champ etc.

16. BigCartel


This unique pricing table is BigCartel’s pricing chart.

The package images serve almost as a background image to the pricing section. The images depict who the plan would be best for – arranged by increasing order of how serious an artist the potential customer is.

The pricing table is made minimal not by omitting common features, but by having them open up in a pop up.

Author Bio: “About the Author: Syed Naimath – Co-founder and Growth Hacker at Plugmatter, a WordPress plugin development startup passionate about creating products like Optin Feature Box, Document Importer and Promo Box to help WordPress community.”

This post is by a guest author, if you would like to submit a guest post to WPLift, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch.

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