Thursday, May 5, 2016

Top 10 Ways The Pharaohs Still Influence Egypt Today


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Top 10 Ways The Pharaohs Still Influence Egypt Today

May 4, 2016



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Movies and TV

10 Moronic Teens Who Were Killed Mimicking ‘Jackass’

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Top 10 Ways The Pharaohs Still Influence Egypt Today

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Abdallah AbdelDayem May 4, 2016



Our story binds us and defines us. No matter where you’re from, your story has shabby we in one approach or another. Egypt is no different. Here are 10 ways that a ancient pharaohs have shabby modern-day Egypt.

10 Celebrating Sham El-Nessim

If we ever confirm to revisit Egypt during Eastern Easter, try not to be dumbfounded by a slow smell of rotting fish; it’s only a smell of another Sham el-Nessim in Egypt. Originating from ancient Egypt, Sham el-Nessim, that literally means “smelling of a spring,” is a inhabitant holiday that is still distinguished in Egypt today. It was combined over 4,500 years ago.

It is believed that during pharaonic times, ancient Egyptians would offer pickled fish, lettuce, and onions to a gods during collect season. Today, Egyptians still move pickled fish, lettuce, and onions, yet this time, they do so for themselves instead of a gods. People from all around Egypt accumulate in open gardens, zoos, and family houses, bringing their possess share of pickled and fermented fish. Everyone afterwards deduction to lay down and suffer a ambience of this smelly, sinister treat, celebrating a centuries-old holiday.

It’s protected to assume that open in Egypt doesn’t smell really nice, ironically.

9 The Eye Of Horus


“Eye of Horus” isn’t a Lord of a Rings reference, yet it competence as good be. The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian pitch of good health, that was after blending by complicated Egyptians as a pitch of insurance from envy, or “the immorality eye.”

Egyptians hatred enviousness (hassad in Arabic) and depreciate anyone who would communicate any arrange of enviousness whatsoever. This hatred is subsequent from fear of a immorality eye—the eye that looks during what we have and it desires and eventually takes whatever it looks during divided from us. This competence be a reason that many complicated Egyptians have resorted to their ancient ancestors’ pitch of good health as a process of insurance from evil.

8 Don’t Flip Your Flip-Flops


Everything seems to move bad fitness in Egypt. One of a many common superstitions in Egypt is that shoes, flip-flops, or fundamentally anything that can be ragged on your feet (excluding socks) shouldn’t be flipped upside down. Doing so will move years of bad luck.

Flipping your boots in Egypt is a large no-no to a border that some people competence even be annoyed if a flipped shoe is anywhere within their sight. If a shoe is flipped, a bottom is confronting a gods, that is disrespectful. The arguably absurd damned derives from pharaonic beliefs, and as a result, it’s rather of a tradition in Egypt to always have your boots confronting downward, or during slightest sideways, during all times.

7 Giving Money To The Poor

Sometimes, a dime can save a life, or during slightest Egyptians entirely trust so. Throughout their history, they’ve ceaselessly regarded giving to a bad (also famous as nadr) as a high priority. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that Maat (the God of peace and justice) would uncover secure adore and affability to those who give behind to a poor.

Modern-day Egypt is heavily shabby by Islam, that also competence be a reason since giving behind to a bad still exists, yet one still can't order out a intensity change of ancient Egyptian beliefs. Whatever a reason, Egyptians currently still make Maat proud.

6 Honor Killings


Honor, pride, dignity, and repute are 4 things that if sinister (or “dirtied” if translated literally from Arabic), competence means someone to be killed, and that’s no exaggeration.

It is noticed by some Egyptians currently as their god-given right to find reprisal on those who’ve wronged them. This tradition is upheld down from ancient Egypt. Murdering someone in Upper Egypt meant that you’d have a “hit” on your head. The conduct of a victim’s family (or someone along those lines) would lane we down and privately kill we instead of involving any kind of law enforcement.

Even yet punish killings after ceased to exist in ancient Egyptian culture, complicated Egyptians have adopted a tradition. Although there has been a dump in respect killings, they’re still a hideous eventuality that occurs yearly, generally in Upper Egypt.

5 Language

The Egyptian Arabic chapter is one of a many tremendously intriguing, unique, and culturally colorful dialects in a world. It is a reduction of difference from exemplary Arabic, a bit of English and French, some Turkish, and of course, ancient Egyptian Coptic.

Words like barrah, that means “go outside,” have no origins from any other language. Other difference are still used by complicated Egyptians that issue from ancient Egyptian Coptic: Tannesh means “ignore,” shibship means “slipper,” embu means “thirsty,” humm means “to eat,” and tabtab means “patting.”

It’s superb to see that tools of a ancient Egyptian denunciation are still being used currently and it is something that is tough to tannesh.

4 Eyeliner

Emos wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for ancient Egypt. That competence be an overstatement, yet they wouldn’t have had dim eyeliner.

Royalty in ancient Egypt used kohl, a dim eyeliner, as partial of their makeup. Use of kohl in ancient Egypt is believed to date behind to 3100 BC. It was a pitch of kingship in ancient Egypt, so not only anyone could wear it. Kohl was done from a vegetable called stibnite and is believed to have primarily been done to strengthen a eyes from a infamous Sun rays.

Usually, a top partial of a eye would be embellished black, while a reduce partial would be embellished green. Some trust that kohl was used in ancient times to uncover either a lady was married or not, formed on how a eyeliner was applied. Today, however, copiousness of Egyptian women adorn their eyes with kohl regardless of their marital status.

3 The Seboa


Seven days after a child is innate in Egypt, a jubilee of sorts ensues. This jubilee is called a seboa, that is subsequent from a Arabic word esboa, that means “week.” The goal of a jubilee is to acquire a baby baby into a universe and to applaud a birth with a mother. Essentially, it’s a baby showering of sorts, solely that a baby is already born.

An critical partial of this jubilee is to shake a baby. The aim of this jolt is to expostulate immorality spirits away. This tradition was upheld down from ancient Egyptians, as they believed that babies were some-more exposed to immorality spirits. The celebrations is 7 days after a birth given 7 was a propitious series in ancient Egypt.

The seboa is used by Egyptians no matter their eremite background. Almost each baby child will have a seboa. It competence sound like a fun party, yet greatfully don’t shake your babies.

2 Breaking Pots Behind Enemies


If you’re in Egypt on a vacation, and we hear a pot mangle behind you, it substantially means that a locals don’t like you.

Egyptians are superstitious; it’s partial of their culture. One damned is that some people are simply innate immorality or have immorality spirits around them. So, what do we do around such a person? Break pots behind them.

It sounds ridiculous, yet it’s something that still goes on in farming areas in Egypt. Locals trust that violation a square of pottery behind someone they don’t like or have a bad feeling about will exterminate all a bad appetite and bad spirits that approximate them. This is, of course, upheld down from a ancient Egyptian faith that violation a pot behind a chairman will expostulate a immorality spirits away.

1 The Nile

If we demeanour during Egypt from space, you’ll see a vast, unoccupied dried and a mass of infrastructure, cities, and people around a Nile. That’s since a Nile is a source of life in Egypt. It’s a capillary that pumps H2O instead of blood.

If it wasn’t for a pharaohs of Egypt and their allotment around a Nile, one wonders if modern-day Egypt would exist during all. As ancient Egyptians used a inundate of a Nile to H2O their crops, complicated Egypt uses a inundate to furnish electricity by a Aswan High Dam. The stream was a pitch of honour and a blessing from a gods in ancient Egypt. That honour still exists today.

Journalism and Mass Communication Undergrad during a American University in Cairo.



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Top 10 Ways The Pharaohs Still Influence Egypt Today

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