Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekly WordPress News: WPLift Has Been Sold.

The auction for WPLift on Flippa finished this week and after a crazy last day I have found a suitable buyer for the site who I’m happy will be able to continue the site and take it on to the next level…

The auction should have finished around 4pm GMT but the way Flippa works is that the auction gets extended by an hour if anyone bids in the last hour to prevent “sniping”, the auction ended getting extended into the evening by around 5 hours as bids kept coming – in the end there were 3 main bidders for the site. The auction had almost finished when a new bidder with whom I’d had no contact with prior made a bid with literally one second to go, the broker there got in touch with them and determined that it was not a serious bid so I ended up selling to the other top bidder – It was quite a strange ending to the day!

We are just working out the final details now and going through the sales process so I don’t want to reveal the buyer just yet – I’m sure they will introduce themselves next week, so look out for that.

From now on, I will dedicating myself full time towards ThemeFurnace and growing that business, I’m happy that I will get to spend more time designing now as that is my passion. I will be blogging on my personal site, from time to time so signup there for notification once the blog is live. I will be covering topics around my personal projects ( and of course transparency), online business in general, some web design and some technology.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to all our readers over the years and all the great people that are working within the WordPress community – it has been a pleasure to be part of it – I have made a lot of great friends over the years. It has been amazing to watch WordPress grow from the blogging tool it once was, to the beast it is today and everyone has played their part in that, I’m excited to see what the next few years will bring now!

Thanks, Oli.

WordPress News and Articles

  • WordPress 4.5.1 Maintenance Release – 12 bug fixes for the latest version.

  • The WordPress REST API: The Journey So Far, And What’s to Come – Good article about the REST API.

  • Facebook News Feed Now Favors Articles That Users Spend a Longer Time Reading – A useful metric?

  • How WordPress, AMP, And Instant Articles will Revolutionize The Internet – Speeding up the web.

  • Being A Developer After 40 – I loved reading this post so much, fascinating incites not just for developers.

  • Array 3.0 – Array Themes have relaunched with a beautiful new site design and simpler, cheaper pricing model – well done Mike!

  • The 5 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Plugin Business Profits – Tips for your plugin business.

Tutorials and How-Tos

  • How To Create Online Job Services Marketplace with WordPress WPJobster – I looked at solution for creating service marketplace sites like Fiverr.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Updating WordPress and Multisite – How to update your WP installs.

  • Into the Vault: the HTTP-to-HTTPS Checklist – Guide for moving over to SSL.

  • Hands On Improving Google PageSpeed – How to increase your Google PageSpeed score.

  • Migrating WordPress from a XAMPP Localhost to the Web – Taking your local site online.

  • Speed Up WordPress – How I Went From 1.52s to 276ms – Tips for speeding up WordPress.

  • The Ultimate WordPress Development Environment – Tools for developing with WordPress.

Resources Freebies

  • VideeTV: Monetize Your Videos Free Content Library: Video Player WordPress Plugin – A plugin for monetizing your videos.

  • The WPLift Roundup of the Best Free WordPress Themes April 2016 – Our pick of the best free themes for April.

  • 5 Best WordPress Admin Themes That Will Make Your Life Easier – What to change your Admin UI? Check these themes.

  • Best Medical WordPress Themes 2016 for Hospitals, Doctors Clinics – Themes for the medical industry.

  • Best Free Paid WordPress Frameworks, Builders Starter Themes 2016 – Frameworks, starter themes and multi-purpose themes.


Oliver Dale is the founder of Kooc Media, An Internet Company based in Manchester, UK. I founded WPLift and ThemeFurnace, find out more on my Personal Blog. Thanks!

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