Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Clash of Clans Raiding Strategy Trick for iOS Devices

Never heard of Clash of Clans before? You might then definitely be out of loop. Clash of Clans is one of the most insanely liked and the most played strategy based games on iOS and Android nowadays. This strategy platform game involves raiding the villages of other players while restoring your own. Clash of Clans has millions of users on both Android and iOS. The game has been developed by Supercell mobile app and is a fun-oriented, fast paced mobile strategy handled game.

In this exciting game, you make use of your gold and elixir coins to promote your buildings and lead your troops, and also to get trophies when you successfully raid your enemies. When you yourself get raided, you lose some of your assets and your village gets destroyed temporarily. You can play this game as a single player and fight with goblins or you can even accompany yourself with a clan for climbing up the trophy ladder.

This game has some rules, hacks and strategies for achieving victory over your opponent and raiding a base successfully. In this post, you will go through some useful little hacks and strategies to avoid getting your base raided overnight. These raiding tips and tricks work great on jailbroken iOS that runs on an iPhone, iPad, or an iPod device.

Basically, the whole procedure requires you to install two jailbreak tweaks from Cydia. The best thing about these tweaks is that they both are available for free of cost so you don’t need to fret over that aspect. Here is a complete step-by-step guide on how you can install these tweaks to make them work on your iOS devices:

Step#1 – First of all, you need to install the “Activator” package first on your iOS device if you haven’t done it yet. For installing the package, just launch “Cydia” search for “Activator” and simply tap on “Install” as you would do with any other tweak.

Step#2 – Second step involves installing “ByPass” which is a package that enables your “Activator” to bypass the pass code settings of your device. For installing “ByPass” you have to search it on Cydia and install it in the usual way.

Step#3 – Once you’ve installed the “Activator” and the “ByPass” packages, go to the preferences in the “Activator” through the “Settings” app and then to “Anywhere Build Scheduled.”

Step#4 – The instructions given in the above step will let you create numerous time events that will enable “Activator” to involuntarily launch Clash of Clans game with the interval of every 30 minutes. This trick is best for the time at night when you’re sleeping and cannot launch the game during your sleep. So no more sleepless nights now! You can simply create a particular number of time events for 30 minute intervals. For example, if you go to sleep at 11 p.m. and wake up at 7 in the morning, then the best time to create an event can be at 11:30, 00:00, 00:30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30 and so on.

Step#5 – Next, go to the Activator once again and navigate to “Anywhere Scheduled “time” User Applications” and then select “Clash of Clans” to activate at that specific time. Keep in mind that you will have to do this for the remaining events created in the above step.

Step#6 – Close “Activator” and go to “Settings General Auto-Lock.” Change the “Auto-Lock” settings of your iOS device to “30 seconds.” In this way, your system will have sufficient time to wake up the device, launch the game and then put the device back to sleep again by the “Auto-Lock” settings.

That’s all. You won’t have to stay awake all night anymore in the stress that you’ll get raided by other players. These tweaks will do it all for you so that you can refill your own energy at night!

Incoming search terms:

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Clash of Clans Raiding Strategy Trick for iOS Devices

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