Saturday, April 23, 2016

10 Symptoms Of The Modern World That Aren’t Modern At All



10 Outrageous Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Famous Music Artists

April 23, 2016

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10 Biological Mysteries That Continue To Baffle Scientists

April 23, 2016



10 Symptoms Of The Modern World That Aren’t Modern At All

April 23, 2016

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10 Mysterious Cats Of Great Britain

April 22, 2016

Asian male wearing mouth facade opposite atmosphere pollution


10 Sci-Fi Dystopias That Are Everyday Realities Today

April 22, 2016



10 Fascinating Origins Of Everyday Numerical Codes

April 22, 2016



10 Unexpected Benefits To Being A Psychopath

April 22, 2016



10 R-Rated History Facts You Won’t Learn In School

April 21, 2016

hellfire copy

Weird Stuff

10 Bizarre Clubs With Extremely Influential Members

April 21, 2016



Top 10 Films With Creepy Links To The Occult

April 21, 2016



10 Outrageous Conspiracy Theories Surrounding Famous Music Artists

April 23, 2016

7pubic copy


10 Biological Mysteries That Continue To Baffle Scientists

April 23, 2016




10 Symptoms Of The Modern World That Aren’t Modern At All

April 23, 2016

6cotsw copy


10 Mysterious Cats Of Great Britain

April 22, 2016

Asian male wearing mouth facade opposite atmosphere pollution


10 Sci-Fi Dystopias That Are Everyday Realities Today

April 22, 2016




10 Fascinating Origins Of Everyday Numerical Codes

April 22, 2016



10 Unexpected Benefits To Being A Psychopath

April 22, 2016






10 R-Rated History Facts You Won’t Learn In School

April 21, 2016

hellfire copy

Weird Stuff

10 Bizarre Clubs With Extremely Influential Members

April 21, 2016



Top 10 Films With Creepy Links To The Occult

April 21, 2016


Morris M. Apr 23, 2016



From Victorian selfies and Ancient Rome’s possess Facebook to a Gothic unbelieving transformation that puts Richard Dawkins’ supporters to shame, many complicated quirks and movements are indeed customarily cases of story repeating.

Lazy, entitled millennials, selfies, condense fiction, a unfilled enlightenment focused on zero yet remakes—every epoch has a problems, yet those of a second decade in a 21st century seem generally odd. Forget almighty things like wars and terrorism; it’s a tiny things that uncover customarily how singly reticent a complicated universe is, right?

Maybe not. Take a demeanour during roughly any sign of a time here on Earth, and you’ll find that it has copiousness of sequential antecedents. As a observant goes, there’s zero new underneath a Sun.

10 Millennials

They’re lazy, entitled narcissists who wouldn’t know an honest day’s work if it slapped them in a face. They caring about zero yet selfies, Instagram, and other purposeless wastes of time. They are millennials, and they’ve been around given a emergence of time.

Although a word “millennials” is new to a vocabulary, a traits we associate with them aren’t. Fun as it competence be to singular out millennials as a rain of Western civilization, all that presumably defines them has been pronounced before about other generations. Repeatedly.

In 1968, Life wrote an essay claiming, “the word ‘to make a living’ could have positively no meaning” to baby boomers, whom it characterized as work-shy wimps. Fast brazen a few decades, and baby boomers operative for The New York Times wrote a matching essay about Generation X, defining them as idle and immature.

Go behind to ancient Greece, and we can even find Hesiod angry that a younger epoch “only care[s] about whimsical things.” While it’s puzzled that anyone in Hesiod’s day was spending time uploading selfies to Instagram, a ubiquitous viewpoint is identical.

This doesn’t meant that millennials don’t have their possess hurdles and quirks, customarily that those angry about them are simply saying a same defects that a aged breakwater always seen in a young.

9 New Atheism


Atheism is a miss of faith in God and has been around for roughly forever. New Atheism, on a other hand, is a many some-more new phenomenon. It’s a Richard Dawkins character of in-your-face fight on Twitter and deriding believers as trusting fools. It’s atheism as controversy, redefined from “lack of religion” to “anti-religion.” It’s also many comparison than many of us realize.

In a 10th century, Syrian Muslim Abu al-Ala’ al-Maarri was so anti-religion that complicated writers have called him “the Richard Dawkins of a Abbasid era.” Like New Atheists today, he was plainly disrespectful of religion, publicly proclaiming that a universe was separate into dual forms of people—“those with brains, yet no religion, and those with religion, yet no brains.” He captivated a vast organisation of followers, who were so plainly derisive of Islam that they could have substantially all got jobs operative for Charlie Hebdo.

Even earlier, Ibn al-Rawandi finished a name for himself in ninth-century Baghdad by proclaiming Islamic tradition illogical, miracles hoaxes, and sacrament irrational. The dual were fundamentally a Dawkins and Hitchens of their times, inspiring believers with approach hurdles and open confrontations. Interestingly, conjunction captivated a madness of their divine countrymen, and both lived to a developed aged age.

8 Selfies

Nothing screams, “This is a finish of culture!” like a complicated mania with selfies. People protest that they’re a ultimate countenance of narcissism. Yet selfies aren’t some flash-in-the-pan materialisation from a 21st century. They’ve been around fundamentally as prolonged as cameras.

Thanks to a bulkiness of Victorian and Edwardian cameras, all selfies from a epoch had to be taken regulating mirrors. Other than that, though, they’re radically identical. In 1914, Russian princess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova took what competence be a initial teenage selfie, posing with a wearied expression. It’s a same shot you’ll see clogging adult a million Instagram feeds around a world.

Go behind even further, and you’ll find people like Belgian artist Henri Evenepoel, who was regulating selfies as a means of artistic countenance as early as 1898. They were also renouned in wartime as a approach for infantry to send mementos to desired ones. Kodak selfies from World War we are deliberate profitable sequential papers today.

7 Insane Fan Fiction

Think “fan fiction,” and you’ll substantially design misspelled tales from a grubbiest corners of a Internet featuring Kirk and Spock doing things that would make a seasoned porn star blush. Despite a renouned organisation with geek culture, fan novella has been around given before anyone knew what a geek was.

At a start of a Common Era, one of a many renouned sources of fan novella was a Bible. The Gnostic gospels are radically demented rewrites of Christian tales by revolutionary fans who didn’t wish their favorite characters to die. In a 170s, for example, a Egyptian Gnostic Basilides penned a chronicle of a crucifixion where Simon of Cyrene is mistaken for Jesus and crucified. Instead of dying, Jesus stands by a cranky shouting during Simon. It’s not so opposite from complicated fans torturously rewriting Harry Potter so that Dumbledore lives.

Closer to a possess time period, 1893 saw an blast of a specific form of “fanfic” that many Internet users will recognize. That was a year that Arthur Conan Doyle killed off Sherlock Holmes. His fans reacted by essay and releasing their possess mysteries for a investigator to solve. That’s right—the Victorian epoch was customarily as awash with Sherlock fanfic as a complicated Internet, customarily with fewer Benedict Cumberbatch gifs.

6 Social Media

Depending on your indicate of view, amicable media is possibly an implausible approach to correlate with associate thinkers opposite a creation or an awful place where amicable probity warriors and alt-right forms go to scream during any other. It positively doesn’t seem unequivocally ancient. Tom Standage, former digital editor for The Economist, disagrees. According to him, amicable media has been around given Roman times.

In his book, Writing on a Wall: Social Media: The First 2000 Years, Standage argues that Facebook and Twitter had precursors dating behind centuries. In Vesuvius, for example, graffiti has been unearthed on ancient pub walls that includes whole back-and-forth conversations. One instance starts with a classical trolling standing update: “Successus, a weaver, loves a innkeeper’s worker lady named Iris. She, however, does not adore him. His opposition wrote this. Bye, loser!” Underneath is a reply: “Envious one, because do we get in a way? Submit to a handsomer male who is being treated unequivocally poorly and is damn good-looking.”

Standage takes his justification further, indicating to ancient Roman abbreviations such as “SPD” (salutem plurimam dicit), that are not separate from a “LOL” or “NSFW.” Whether or not we determine with him that this unequivocally constitutes amicable media, there’s no denying that these ancient communications were driven by a same impulses.

5 Annoying Advertisements


The Romans predated us with some-more than amicable media. Long before Don Draper was around, Romans were formulating a ancient homogeneous of irritating pop-up ads.

During his reign, Caesar started something called a Acta Diurna—one of a beginning newspapers. Originally a promotion organ for discrediting his foes, it shortly developed into something many some-more recognizable. Local seductiveness stories were published alongside heartwarming tales of animals anguish after their passed owners . . . and alongside them were published advertisements.

One flourishing instance comes pleasantness of a male named Maius, who stranded a “for rent” advert on a Acta earnest “second story apartments fit for a king!” Since a duplicate of a Acta was published on wooden play in a forum any day, rich Romans could even muster a obsolete form of AdBlock—sending a worker to duplicate a paper down yet skip all a adverts.

It wasn’t customarily in Rome that ancient advertisements surfaced. In Thebes, created adverts some 3,000 years aged have been found charity rewards for outcast slaves.

4 Overpaid, Hedonistic Sports Stars


It’s a common complain pf people who have to scratch by on reduction than a few million dollars any year. Modern sports stars are overpaid jerks who spend too many time removing dipsomaniac and appearing in tabloids and not adequate time training. Today’s athletes have zero on their ancient forebears, though. Sports stars of a ancient universe were so rich and badly behaved that they make a guys demeanour like frugal saints.

Chief of them all was Gaius Appuleius Diocles, a Roman chariot racer who lived in a 2nd century. Across 24 years, he competed in around 4,200 races, fixation initial or second in about half of them. His genuine specialty was winning a large income races. By a finish of his career, he’d finished himself a elegant sum of 36 million Roman sesterces, adequate to compensate a income of any singular Roman in a army for dual months. In today’s money, that works out to around $15 billion, creation Diocles a highest-paid diver in history.

More informed to complicated readers competence be Milo of Croton, whose life was fundamentally ancient publication fodder. A wrestler, he spent his gangling time display off his strength and removing insanely dipsomaniac in public. It was pronounced he could splash 8 quarts of booze in one sitting, a arrange of judgment that customarily precedes a disproportion “before failing of an overdose.”

Interestingly, Milo’s contingent genocide was even crazier. As an aged man, he presumably attempted to uncover off by bursting a tree with his unclothed hands, yet he became stranded and was—somehow—eaten by wolves.

3 Cash Grabs And Unimaginative Sequels


Calling Hollywood ordinary currently is itself flattering unoriginal. Since a early 2000s, people have been angry that complicated party is risk-averse, preferring income grabs and bad sequels to uninformed ideas. Guess what: That was as loyal during a birth of cinema as it is now.

The initial feature-length blockbuster was D.W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation. Released in 1915, it’s scandalous currently for featuring a Ku Klux Klan as a good guys. It finished a ton of income on release, and a studio immediately cashed in by green-lighting a sequel.

Known as Fall of a Nation, a supplement landed in 1916 and was by all accounts a large disappointment. Although it still featured some “good” Klansmen, it also focused on a consortium of immorality Europeans holding over a US and their better during a hands of a pro-war congressman. The New York Times called it promotion and settled that it was “sometimes preposterous.” Fall of a Nation is now suspicion to be mislaid forever.

Lest we consider it was customarily early Hollywood that was unimaginative, terrible book sequels were a genuine fact of life in a 19th century. Only months after H.G. Wells blew minds with his War of a Worlds, Garrett P. Serviss had expelled an unapproved supplement that featured Thomas Edison drifting to a red world to flog Martian butt. Earlier still, an unapproved supplement to Part One of Don Quixote so angry Cervantes that it substantially contributed to him finishing his masterpiece.

2 Modern Disney Stories


Most of a Disney stories that kids watch currently are wold. Frozen is formed on a Hans Christian Andersen tale; Tangled is customarily Rapunzel from a Brothers Grimm. But many of us competence not know how aged some of these angel tales unequivocally are. Recent justification has suggested that some of a best-known don’t date from a 1500s. They could be adult to 5,000 years old.

In a investigate published in Royal Society Open Science, a organisation of folklorists and anthropologists traced a stock of tales appearing in 50 Indo-European languages. They found that about a entertain of them had intensely ancient roots. “Jack and a Beanstalk,” for example, was traced behind 5,000 years to a separate between Western and Eastern Indo-European languages. Others, such as Beauty and a Beast, could be adult to 1,000 years comparison than that. To put that in perspective, if Moses had spent his outcast in Europe, there’s a possibility that he would have listened a same stories as we flourishing up.

Amazingly, these aren’t even a oldest tales a investigate identified. While not all folklorists determine with their assessment, a authors motionless that one story famous as “The Smith and a Devil” expected originated in a Bronze Age. If Disney were to make a film of that, it would be a longest page-to-screen watchful time in tellurian history.

1 Listicles


As anyone who writes for a list-based website can tell you, reporters certain adore to hatred on listicles (list-form Internet articles). The Internet is awash with “hilariously” mocking articles in critical publications, featuring titles like “35 reasons because we hatred lists” and “8 Reasons to Avoid Listicles.”

The arguments are always a same: Humans invented writing. (“Great!”) Then online sites started essay lists. (“Boo!”) It’s as if many people consider that nobody employed a list format before to 2013, and those who did have finished so customarily to provoke a genuine journalists. As you’ve substantially guessed from a rest of this numerically systematic article, that isn’t unequivocally true. Listicles have been around as prolonged as tellurian beings have favourite to arrange things.

One instance from a 1800s is “The Fate of a Apostles,” that Smithsonian Magazine has called a 19th-century “viral sensation.” It decorated a approach any of Jesus’s apostles died in sequential sequence and was reprinted around 110 times, that in today’s terms would be like anticipating out that your list has been related on The Guardian, CNN, BBC, and The New York Times and has been retweeted by everybody in Hollywood. At slightest 650 other articles in a epoch had a matching reception, including a whole bucket of listicles.

Then there are a famous list-writers. Leonardo da Vinci and Benjamin Franklin were compulsive list-makers. Writer Umberto Eco claimed that we could find examples of artistic list-writing in a works of Homer and Thomas Mann.

In short, compulsively reading lists competence be a simple partial of tellurian nature. As Eco said: “The list doesn’t destroy culture; it creates it. Wherever we demeanour in informative history, we will find lists.” It’s official, folks: One of Italy’s biggest 20th-century authors thinks Listverse is a apex of culture.



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Morris M.

Morris is a freelance author and newly-qualified teacher, still naively anticipating to make a disproportion in his students’ lives. You can send your useful and less-than-helpful comments to his email, or revisit some of a other websites that inexplicably sinecure him.

Read More: Urban Ghosts





10 Symptoms Of The Modern World That Aren’t Modern At All

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