Sunday, April 3, 2016

10 Notorious Highwaymen From European History


S.E. Batt Apr 2, 2016

European highwaymen were mostly treasured as hastily villains who prisoner a hearts of a people. Although some acted with charm, many some-more were so heartless or divergent that they done their approach into a story books.

10 Cartouche


Born in 1693, Cartouche was a French highwayman whose genuine name was Louis Dominique Garthausen. He eventually became famous as Cartouche (“cartridge”). Starting his life of crime early, he was already a member of a internal organisation of hooligans in his adolescence.

By his twenties, he had turn a personality of a rapist organisation famous as Cours des Miracles, that was a name of a dive district from that they operated. Cartouche raided a Versailles-Paris trade route, forcefully distributing resources from a abounding to a bad like Robin Hood. Despite his severe upbringing and dim nature, he was famous to be a lady among his peers.

However, Cartouche shortly found himself underneath a ride of a law. He evaded constraint until he was tricked by one of his friends and hold unaware. Held in a Grand Chatelet prison, he attempted to shun by tunneling into a adjacent groundwork while still wearing chains. But his bondage done so many sound that a family’s dog began barking furiously and blew Cartouche’s cover.

Despite his charismatic nature, Cartouche was eventually executed by being skinned alive and damaged on a wheel. However, a punishment for his actions was not over.

In a bizarre turn of justice, Cartouche’s younger brother, Louison, also suffered a punishment of unresolved by a armpits. It was a uncanny judgment even for those times, yet it was designed so that a punishment would not be fatal. Nevertheless, he died after a punishment was meted out.

9 Robert Snooks


Born in 1761, Robert Snooks’s genuine name was James Snook. It’s believed that a crime of a word “that pirate Snooks” is how he came to be called Robert Snooks.

Robert done his career as a highwayman in England after he hold adult a mail child carrying 6 sacks of letters, many with income in a envelopes. One of a letters contained £500 value of notes, a vast volume of income in those days.

It wasn’t prolonged before his crime was reported and a £300 prerogative was placed on his head—£200 from a postmaster ubiquitous and £100 from a government.

Robert seemed to have struck bullion and did good in avoiding constraint as a authorities searched for him. However, one grave blunder threw his whole devise into disarray. Asking a menial to squeeze cloth, he handed her what he suspicion was a £5 note, yet it was indeed a £50 note.

Given that this was equal to about £2,500 in modern-day money, a businessman became immediately questionable as to since a menial was carrying such a outrageous volume of money. This movement drew courtesy to where Robert was hiding.

He fled to Hungerford yet was shortly caught. In 1802, Robert became a final highwayman to be hanged in England. According to legend, if we round his grave 3 times while observant his name, his spook will appear.

8 Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier


As a French highwayman, Nicolas-Jacques Pelletier came to a authorities’ courtesy after he was indicted of violence a male to genocide with a knock on an unnamed trail and afterwards hidden his wallet. Once caught, Pelletier was condemned to genocide “in consent with a supplies of a penal code.”

At a same time, Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin and Dr. Antoine Louis were inventing a new execution device named a louisette (aka a guillotine). After contrast their appurtenance on animals and corpses, a doctors felt that a guillotine was scarcely prepared to be rolled out.

As a result, a justice behind Pelletier’s execution until a appurtenance was ready. But Pelletier’s genocide was so discerning and purify compared to other execution methods that a throng became livid, perfectionist that a authorities lapse to regulating a “wooden gallows.”

Despite a public’s objections, a guillotine became an iconic execution method, with Pelletier carrying a “honor” of being a initial chairman to be executed that way.

7 Captain James Hind


From common beginnings, James Hind became a neophyte of a grocer as a immature adult. However, his life altered when he took a outing to London and became heavily concerned with women and ale. Soon, James was detained for his misdeeds. While there, he met highwayman James Allen. They became friends and concluded to organisation adult once they were both released.

Most stories about James Hind’s bootleg ventures uncover his kindhearted nature. After robbing someone who indispensable a income to squeeze a cow, Hind offering to accommodate a male a following week and give him adequate income to squeeze dual cows.

On another occasion, Hind hold adult a traveler who incited out to be an aged friend. Eventually, Hind returned a stolen income with a reward so that his crony could buy some gloves.

Hind was a captain for a Royalists during England’s polite war. When prisoner by a Parliamentarians after losing a Battle of Worcester in 1651, he was attempted for his Royalist actions. But a charges were eventually dropped.

Later, he was attempted for highway spoliation and condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered.

6 Juro Janosik


Juro Janosik, an 18th-century Polish bandit, led a organisation of robbers who terrorized dignitaries for years. He was also a ideal instance of how a stories of bandits became detailed for a purpose of folklore and legend.

According to these stories, Janosik’s good strength as a rapist came from assembly 3 witches in his youth. They motionless to make him into a biggest rapist that a universe had ever seen. So they gave him 3 enchanting items: a shirt, a belt, and an alpenstock.

Supposedly, Janosik was magically resistant to arrows, bullets, and wounds. He could pierce faster than any human, and he could leave his palm imitation in any stone.

However, a legends lonesome adult his darker side. Although they state that he attacked from a abounding and gave to a poor, there was no explanation that he indeed did this. Even worse, he was mostly cruel, generally to subordinates who had let him down.

Eventually, Janosik was betrayed, arrested, and impaled on a offshoot in Liptovsky Mikulas castle. Of course, such a predestine would not fit a legends of a clever and godlike Janosik. So some-more stories were combined in that Janosik taunted a judges and executioners and threw himself on a offshoot to repudiate them a pleasure of vouchsafing him humour longer.

5 Jerry Abershaw


Born in 1773, Jerry Abershaw is famous by historians as a final of a highwaymen, generally a final of a bandits who were famous for being dashing, brave, and sly.

At 17, he began to visit a Bald-Faced Stag Inn, where highwaymen were famous to meet. He wasn’t as caring and deferential as some highwaymen, yet he was famous for his clarity of humor—which came out many when he was down on his luck.

We don’t know how active he was since highwaymen operated in disguise. But a series of reported robberies did spike in a year that he became a highwayman. Also, many of his robberies during his years of operation were famous for his singular quips and jokes.

Eventually, David Price and Bernard Turner, dual Bow Street runners, approached Abershaw after someone sole them information about Abershaw’s loyal identity. When he attempted to shun by opening glow during a pair, Abershaw killed Price and bleeding Turner.

Abershaw was apprehended in 1795. Throughout his trial, he mocked a judge. Abershaw even joked with people as he walked to a execution spot. Before he died, he threw his boots into a crowd, observant that his mom had once claimed that he would die in them.

After Abershaw was hanged, his remains was displayed during Jerry’s Hill (which was named after Abershaw). Supposedly, 100,000 people came to see him there.

4 Joseph Blake


Born in 1700, Joseph Blake became a bully early in life. He was initial jailed during age 15. By 17, he had determined himself as a looter nicknamed “Blueskin.” He teamed adult with 5 other men, and a organisation began to scare a streets of England.

One news talked of Blake robbing a male for 8 shillings and a sword and afterwards opening glow on a lady who had witnessed a crime from a window. Blake’s squad got into a lot of trouble, including violence a male scarcely to genocide with their pistols for one guinea and one penny.

Despite his friends being prisoner and hanged, Blake continued with his crimes. For his final one, Blake teamed adult with Jack Sheppard to sack a house. But they were hold and arrested by “thief-taker” Jonathan Wild.

During a trial, Blake pleaded with Wild to revoke his judgment from unresolved to transportation, yet Wild refused. When Wild after approached Blake to plead something, Blake took punish and cut Wild’s throat with a knife. Wild survived a attack, and Blake was hanged.

3 Thomas Boulter


In 1748, Englishman Thomas Boulter was innate into a uneasy family. His father was a famous burglar who was condemned in 1775 to 14 years of travel for hidden horses.

That same year, Thomas Boulter became a highwayman. His initial hits occurred around Hampshire and afterwards widespread via England. He became famous as a “flying highwayman” since he operated in such a vast area.

However, he was a merciful burglar who laughed and joked with his targets. It was reported that Boulter returned valuables if a plant had clever personal ties to them—but usually if a plant asked in a right tinge of voice.

Eventually, Boulter was hold in Yorkshire and spent some time in York prison. During his trial, he was given a possibility to accept a full atonement for his crimes if he assimilated a army. Boulter took a offer and afterwards forlorn 6 days later.

Free on a roads once more, he teamed adult with James Caldwell to dedicate even some-more robberies. Boulter was prisoner again yet escaped. He was prisoner a final time and hanged in 1778.

2 William Page


Born in 1730, William Page was lifted in a bad family. At age 10, he and his father had to representation a tent on a solidified River Thames. When a ice thawed, his father drowned, withdrawal William to deflect for himself.

Page worked many peculiar jobs, yet he got into spoliation when he began to work for a top class. After saying a oppulance in that some people lived, he adopted a highwayman’s approach of life during age 15. He stole a income indispensable for pistols and a equine and set off.

Page had a successful career with a partner named William Darwell. They would leave a city dressed as gentlemen and afterwards barter garments before committing their robberies. The span presumably committed adult to 300 robberies in 4 years.

During one manager robbery, passengers non-stop glow on a thieves, withdrawal Page with a nasty shoulder injury. He was arrested 3 times yet always acquitted. Finally, in Apr 1758, Page was convicted of spoliation and hanged during Penenden Heath in Kent.

1 Henry Simms


Born in 1717, Henry Simms became famous as “Gentleman Harry” due to his manners. After hidden from shops during age 10, Simms seemed unfailing for a life of crime. He assimilated a squad whose members were mostly arrested and transported, yet Simms kept committing crimes.

He became a highwayman after purchasing pistols and a horse. During one of his crimes, he stole 102 guineas, that he immediately took to London and gambled away.

His fitness ran out when he was hold robbing a baker’s shop. He was attempted and condemned to be transported. Then he was sole as a worker abroad for 12 guineas. Immediately, Simms transient by hidden his master’s equine and roving to a coast, where he done his approach behind to England.

Simms continued with his thefts around London and Epping Forest until he was hold and hanged in 1747.

S.E. Batt is a freelance author and author. He enjoys a good keyboard, cats, and tea, even yet a 3 of them never mix good together. You can follow his antics over during @Simon_Batt or his novella website during


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10 Notorious Highwaymen From European History

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